
Can't Give in To Every Craving!

Can't Give in to Every Craving!

July 25, 2024

Buckle in, because today’s lesson is a wild one. At 5 AM this morning, I found myself in a predicament that hasn't happened since college, with one memorable incident back in high school.

There I was, on the toilet, my stomach in knots, feeling like Sukuna and Maki were battling it out inside me. To make matters worse, the toilet was already on the fritz. Maintenance hadn't arrived yet, so I had to apologize in advance for the horror they'd soon witness.

As I showered, I knew I had to share this lesson: you can't give in to every craving. Last night, I was up late, working on two new songs for my upcoming album, My Deepest Discovery. I might release one next week. I was also watching JaeRiddle break down the new JJK leaks.

Of course, all that made me hungry for a snack. It was past midnight, I had already worked out, and eaten chicken and broccoli. But those Hawaiian Sweet Roll Bagels from Kroger's were calling my name. It wasn't the bagel that got me—it was the cream cheese.

Every time I have one of these violent bowel attacks, it's always from eating cheese late at night. I always end up thinking, “Was that pizza really worth it?” And it never is.

So, I got a brutal reminder that I can't give in to my cravings so easily. This lesson applies to everything. When something is calling your name, and you know better, resist. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in a world of trouble, wondering why you played yourself.

Don’t be like me. Learn some self-control, especially late at night, or you might wake up on life's toilet with a stomach in turmoil.


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January 8, 2023

Ahhh its a new year, can you believe it 2023? As I was working on promoting the site, (yeah the one you’re on right now lol), I was thinking about how one of my greatest assets in running this site is time itself.

The reason why time itself can be a valuable asset is because resources that could assist literally take time to be created and available to you.

With the update that came with Squarespace, they easily make quality marketable videos that catches potential consumers in a blink of an eye. Normally we would have to work several programs for creating promotional videos, some that wouldn’t even be more than a minute.

Very Clutch Marketing, head to the merchandise tab to purchase some gear

However, Squarespace now have a whole studio tool where you literally pick a product from your inventory and they make endless combinations of images, videos, and .gifs!

Imagine if I would’ve been sulking years ago when this didn’t exist. Imagine if I would’ve complained about how I didn’t have the money or knowledge to get proper promotion for my site, I would’ve gave up losing on potentially millions of dollars, Worse than losing the money, I would’ve lost my pride and became an infinite loser, probably spending my days hating on another entrepreneur who didn’t quit.

This stretches beyond my site, it was very useful in my music itself. Without technological advances through time, I would’ve never created the music that I wanted to make.

Garageband been around for a while, but it took time for them to come up with these legendary soundpacks! I definitely put them to use!

Access to new loops, my cell phone, and different recording software allowed me to take my music in my hands and not rely on another soul to get my stuff poppin.

Now I’m actually doing performances and made money from my music but if I didn’t allow the divine actions of time to work itself, I would’ve quit and would’ve hated and blamed people because I didn’t take my career in my own hands.

So the reason that you may not be where you wanna be isn’t because of your ability to work, skill, or any other merit based factor. It may simply because what you need doesn’t exist yet! So keep going, learn the lessons you’re supposed to learn, and in due time, time will be on your side!


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Age and Music

October 12, 2022

Two careers that a young black boy will always take an interest in are, Rapping and Athletics. Most people have done both feats and most haven’t made any professional stride in either category. Most of them starts young as well. I never wanted to be a professional athlete but please believe I love rapping with all my heart. I’ve been rapping since maybe 2000. I really started consistently writing raps in the 7th grade but I wrote my first rap way earlier, it was a rap about shoelaces lol. During that same week I wrote my first song called “Oreo Klondike Bar” lmao. I wrote it in the vein of RUNDMC’s My Adidas lol. If you know me my first song being about Oreos makes perfect sense lmao.

Fast forward as I get older with music around 18/19 I started locking in with my younger cousin Khalil, who was around 12/13 at the time. So basically I became his mentor and started getting his rapping chops right. When he started writing it was a struggle because he was so young so he didn’t have much experience in life, I was only a few years older, but those few years makes a difference.

Me and Khalil first and final tape together released in 2011, due to tragic events we could not complete the second one even though we worked on it. #LongLiveKhalil

When we would be writing together I told him “Cuz just focus on yo flow because nobody grown wanna hear you because you too young to talk about something relatable.” That’s when he would start going and start focusing on playing with how he said things rather than what he said. I can remember coaching him on saying the same part fifty different times lmao. Man those were great times, as time started to progress, he started digging deeper, and was starting to fight the reverse ageism against his lyrical content.

With the combination of him studying music on his own and me co-writing his verses, he started to understand himself as an artist. It got to a point where he would send me hooks and songs that I didn’t write his verse or anything, and I would be impressed like Damn cuz you wrote this?

For anyone who starts music young this is basically all our story not just Khalil’s. When you’re young making music, you’re either capping way too much or talking about some absolute bs. The younger you are you should just focused on sounding good, learning how to write, and studying music. Then when you’re older you’ll gain actual experience which you could translate into songs.

Its amazing as an artist to reach a point where you can take a situation or event in your life and write a song about that one specific thing and not get off topic, while rhyming and actual sounding dope. That’s why I’m so excited to see younger people get that spark to want to do music, but I hate the people that get into to waste time and not take it serious.

I don’t wanna hear no 14 year old talking about smoking opps, racks going crazy, and a whole bunch of dumb stuff we know you not doing, If your idiotic self is actually doing it then we got bigger problems then music because you’re heading down the path of destruction. Its getting real Dennis the Menace in this bih lmao ( but a 100 times worse).

Remember Bow Wow started young but no grown man wanted to hear him as a little boy. He was for little girls, as he aged he still had a female target audience, but his content grew and matured, proving my age and music point.

If you’re a young a preteen/teen don’t ever get discouraged from pursuing your genuine interest in rapping. Yes we have enough rappers and most are extremely trash and posisbly destructive to our community but I believe in people following their passion. Who cares if its a thousand rappers, its only one you! Invest in yourself, let time be your teacher, and grow, grow, grow!


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Me at my art show, two weeks ago. I put a lot of money into, knowing it would be worth it for the monetary  gain and exposure. Well worth the cost of entry.

Me at my art show, two weeks ago. I put a lot of money into, knowing it would be worth it for the monetary gain and exposure. Well worth the cost of entry.

I always wondered why supplies (i.e. art, music,) are so expensive. It doesn’t matter what field you are in the supplies are always more than what you would like to pay.

I think it clicked it to me after my art show and being in the final term of law school. 

When the supplies are used the right way, there is no cap on return of investment. I could spend thousands on art supplies: getting paper, markers, pencils etc. and make it all back with one sale. (Maybe a few more depending on expenses).

Since supplies are expensive, it’s disrespectful when people try to constantly low ball artists. It costs to produce fire please don’t think $20 should be the most you should pay for anything.

Also, I have this thought when it comes to law school. Although people complained for years about the prices of schooling and whether or not you need it, I think law school may be expensive for a different reason.

The impact and return on investment from law school can extremely outweigh the cost of education if your JD, that’s your Juris Doctor degree, is used correctly.

Possibly the most famous lawyer in existence.

Possibly the most famous lawyer in existence.

Barack Obama, you know who he is lol.

Barack Obama, you know who he is lol.

Bryan Stevenson, Lawyer who fights for the poor and disenfranchised

Bryan Stevenson, Lawyer who fights for the poor and disenfranchised

Look at people like Bryan Stevenson, Barack Obama, Johnnie Cochran, and many other countless examples, whose impact greatly exceeds the cost of law school.

What is hundreds of thousands in costs and possible debt compared to the chance to literally save people lives, guide the free world, or take arguably the most notorious case in history.

These opportunities are almost priceless.

When you can acknowledge and accept everything has a barrier of entry, you can respect the fact that these prices are set for a reason.

When you spend that $1,000 on a keyboard, or those few hundreds on computer software, you won’t let that money go to waste, especially if its your own hard earned money!

No sir! You’re going to put your best foot forward making sure every penny spent will earn you back something even if its only spiritual gain and not a monetary increase.

 Follow Me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn




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In this world of overachievers and plain old doers, sometimes being a consumer can get a bad rep. Even though it is consumers that allow businesses and especially entrepreneurs to thrive. 


You often hear people debate about producer vs consumer. Consumption only becomes a problem if there is too much consuming without producing. Consuming should prompt action eventually.

Take for example, this weekend when I was watching Netflix’s Carole & Tuesday, an anime about two girls and their come up in the music industry. While watching the show I was so intrigued about the world building, characters, and the music.

While taking all that in, I was inspired to make new music that is directly influenced from the show. That’s what being a consumer is about. A person can’t be a producer without someone to consume the content (well they can but it would fall on deaf ears). 

I didn’t just consume consume consume, I took something as pure entertainment and allowed it to naturally spark action for me to take.

Now I found a new fav show and made new music, that my listeners are sure to enjoy! (My new album, Gotta Love Where Ya At out Jan. 2020.)

Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn
