

The Symbol of Peace

July 26, 2024

I've been binge-watching My Hero Academia on Netflix. With news that the manga is in its final arc, I thought this would be a good time to jump in and see what I've been missing all these years. Man, I thank God I did—I love this show! From the first episode, I felt young Midoriya's passion. The episode was filled with so many emotional triggers, reminiscent of early Naruto. Then I was introduced to the inspiration for this article, All Might! I instantly liked All Might because he's one of those characters, like Gojo, who is recognized and heralded as "the symbol of peace."

Image via New York Times

I was watching the episode where All Might first faced off against All for One, the series’ main antagonist at that point, and he was on his last ounce of strength. The remaining embers of his fire were blazing as he looked out to take down the foe whose existence posed a threat to all of Japan! The way people showed admiration for him even in his most vulnerable moment sparked a fire inside me.

I might have been taking this show too literally, but at that moment, I, too, adopted the moniker of "the symbol of peace," which is even more fitting for me because I’m a lawyer. I remember several years ago when word first got out that I was pursuing a career in law, my church members would say, "Here’s our civil attorney right here." My mother and I would always laugh because we both thought, "Man, we’re on the money; I ain’t trying to be that." But if you know me, or can even tell from my articles, the plight of the small folk touches my heartstrings in a different way.

In a prestigious profession like mine, I’ve seen people stricken with ego and lose touch with others. I never wanted to be like that. My first lawyer job was working as a staff attorney handling evictions. Saving people from losing their homes at all costs was life-changing. I had a special connection because, a year prior, I was in most of those people’s shoes—a broke guy trying to cross that bar at all costs!

When people put their literal lives in your hands, you’re given a different level of responsibility. Knowing they don’t have the knowledge or tools to fight for themselves, yet they entrust you to fight their battles—it's something I could never take for granted.

One of my main driving factors in blazing this path to wealth is to help people, and not just in talking points—literal helping. I will create housing programs that will help students so they won’t have to worry about such things while in school. I will buy city blocks that will have transitional houses, where people can live for a year while receiving a monthly stipend. The goal is to get them financially literate and give them a jumpstart, to move out on their own and continue stability for their families. I will have galleries where up-and-coming artists can have showcases like million-dollar artists.

I will continue to be the hope for the hopeless and the voice for the voiceless. The light that shines for those in the dark. The current that powers the circuit of hope. The bridge from failure to success and the ladder from disbelief to faith. I am now and always forever, the symbol of peace!


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Full Caption Available on Kim’s instagram

Recently I just saw a post that Kim Kardashian passed the baby bar exam in California. She explained how her process is different than the traditional route which would normally include 3 years of law school after first obtaining a bachelor’s degree. 

Since Kim is a megastar with no college experience becoming a lawyer did not align with her current status.

Thankfully she wishes to practice in a state that allows an alternative route, which she explains how she has to take the “baby bar exam”, topics that typically involve first year law school subjects, then she has to take full blown California Bar Exam.

Which for those who don’t know the exam is known for its extreme difficulty. I mean make you want to pull your hair out type of hard!

Which makes Kim’s journey even more inspiring. We need people like Kim to become a lawyer. We need people like ME to become a lawyer. Why? Because me and Kim aren’t your typical law students.

Kim father may have been the famous Robert Kardashian but initially that did not predetermine her to be a lawyer.

Kim started out running with Paris Hilton, having the infamous tape, posing for KING magazine to becoming a billionaire icon. 

When the average person think of lawyer you may think of a bland person with no swagger, they just go to court all day and defend criminals. Everyone assumes you’re a criminal lawyer when they find out you have a career in law.

You think “they” want this guy to become a lawyer? Hell no! lmao!

But I’m going to show the world I'‘ll be a top lawyer like no other, changing my community ,and inspiring billions!!!

Anyways, they don’t think of a person like me becoming a lawyer. They don’t think of a black man from E.7Mile Detroit who also draw, rap, write books,blogs/vlogs, basically everything artistic under the sun to do something as cut and dry as law. 

But the law is complex and has many sides to its profession the same way a human being is typically not one dimensional.

Kim isn’t going to Harvard, becoming law review president, and landing summer associate positions.

No she is forging her own path through an organic passion for freeing the wrongly incarcerated. 

Photo courtesy of Entertainment Online.

Over the past few years she has lobbied for the freedom of several people, including Alice Marie Johnson who was granted clemency by President Trump. When Kim passes the California Bar Exam and become a licensed attorney I know it will inspire possibly millions of young ladies to become lawyers. Yes simply for the fact that Kim did it. Some people went to law school just because they saw legally blonde, influence is really that simple. See it Believe it.

When Kim becomes a licensed attorney she once again proves that the criticism and insults she had thrown her way do not define her in any shape or form. In fact, they refine her probably giving her more fuel and ammunition to prove to herself, the world, and even her father that the path she chose may not have been the one for everybody but it was definitely the right one for her!

Good Luck Kim.


Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn




The disconnect between legal professionals and non-legal professionals seem more distant now than ever. There’s clauses for clauses, words the average person would never understand, and a bunch of mumbo jumbo in between you may think to yourself, “screw it I’ll sign this let’s just get this over already”.

The Beginning of One of Kanye’s Many Music Contracts

The Beginning of One of Kanye’s Many Music Contracts

However thinking back to Kanye’s tirade earlier this year about deceptive business practices in music contracts and even recently with Dave Chappelle’s situation with not wanting the Chappelle Show to be streamed anywhere(due to his lack of just compensation), maybe its just time to write contracts how we are actually speaking. ( Dave Chappelle’s Unforgiven)

Thinking back to my drafting class in law school, our biggest assignment was to correct a lengthy contract and make it as plain/simple as possible. Let me be the first to tell you that was a real chore to do. If I had to see another “hereforth” “thereafter” or some other term we never say I was going to lose my wig. If I was feeling that as law student, with SOME understanding of the law, imagine a young guy/gal with NO LAWYER (or a very sleazy one) feel like.

Plain Language can operate as the much needed bridge between the legal world and those who operate outside of it. Legal Professionals think with a whole different brain than other people, some of the words I use with my non-legal friends, I know they say, “Harry what the heck are you talking about”. So Imagine an experienced Lawyer using their full arsenal of vocabulary in contract negotiations, it makes my head just thinking about it.

Even in my business practices, plain language has been at the core of my contracts, its as simple as “abc” and “xyz”. The question remains is why aren’t contracts reflecting plain language more often? Do Lawyers want to prove their extreme intelligence? Is it to hide deceptive practices in plain sight? Or is it a “this is how we’ve always done it” thing, so no one has the courage to break free from it?

Whatever the reason is, plain language need to be adapted, so each party can know exactly what is required from them in the deal and for absolute fairness to be ensured!


follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn



By now, you’ve been affected by the world spread phenomenon of COVID-19 ,known throughout the world as Coronavirus. 


Coronavirus have impacted all of America, leaving many people out of work, not knowing where the next dollar may come from, and anxiously waiting for a Government check.

During this meltdown I thought about how would this impact future contracts with freelancers and businesses.


I can imagine after things go back to “normal”, people will want contract drafters to specify stipulations that will take place if another pandemic is in effect.


I can anticipate people would want things such as payment obligations, deadline extensions, or a complete void if pandemic prevents the obligations from being carried out.

You can also expect employees wanting businesses to have emergency funds in place or work from home conditions that will not negatively impact their pay.


Without our health we are extremely limited in what we can accomplish. Hence the term “Health is Wealth”.

Follow my art page on

Follow my art page on

I would also anticipate seeing language such as “ as long as parties are within reasonable health” and things of that nature.

Health will become such a focal point because after all this no one wants to work with anyone who is sick.

The slightest cough could send a room into a frenzy.

So parties would want to ensure health is the main priority so that any obligations that must be met will be met with a clear & sound mind and as much good physical health as possible.


The Coronavirus is still running rampant throughout the world, devouring anyone who isn’t careful of its cobra clutches.

It is important we remain safe and prayed up.

When we are blessed to engage back in business, we should make sure all i’s are dotted and all our t’s are crossed, making sure we are aren’t caught off guard by a national pandemic like this again.

Follow on twitter, @onlyonejaevonn




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Let me start by say how much I love my internship. Man I love my internship. Anyways, working in a courthouse is starting to feel like I’m in the big game.

Slash rockin’ out

Slash rockin’ out

While I’m watching hearings and talking to Judges & Attorneys, it hit me that I finally got to the fun part, just like learning to play a guitar.

Anyone who has learned or has an interest to learn how to play the guitar, knows you can’t come out the gate riffing like Slash.

You have to learn notes, chords, how to read music, all the monotonous basics before you can solo Welcome to The Jungle at max power.


Just like in law school, you start with the most basic core classes and work your way up.

Now that I’m in my last term it feels as though I’ve finally “worked my way up”.

Now I get the incomparable experience of actually being in the courtroom and my basic foundations are assisting in that experience.

Seeing opening statements triggers my mock trial experience, writing memos for my judge leads me to recall my research & writing class, so on and so forth.

Life gets pretty amazing but only after a solid foundation has been built then you can go on to have the most epic solo of your life!

Follow on Twitter @onlyonejaevonn




Me at my art show, two weeks ago. I put a lot of money into, knowing it would be worth it for the monetary  gain and exposure. Well worth the cost of entry.

Me at my art show, two weeks ago. I put a lot of money into, knowing it would be worth it for the monetary gain and exposure. Well worth the cost of entry.

I always wondered why supplies (i.e. art, music,) are so expensive. It doesn’t matter what field you are in the supplies are always more than what you would like to pay.

I think it clicked it to me after my art show and being in the final term of law school. 

When the supplies are used the right way, there is no cap on return of investment. I could spend thousands on art supplies: getting paper, markers, pencils etc. and make it all back with one sale. (Maybe a few more depending on expenses).

Since supplies are expensive, it’s disrespectful when people try to constantly low ball artists. It costs to produce fire please don’t think $20 should be the most you should pay for anything.

Also, I have this thought when it comes to law school. Although people complained for years about the prices of schooling and whether or not you need it, I think law school may be expensive for a different reason.

The impact and return on investment from law school can extremely outweigh the cost of education if your JD, that’s your Juris Doctor degree, is used correctly.

Possibly the most famous lawyer in existence.

Possibly the most famous lawyer in existence.

Barack Obama, you know who he is lol.

Barack Obama, you know who he is lol.

Bryan Stevenson, Lawyer who fights for the poor and disenfranchised

Bryan Stevenson, Lawyer who fights for the poor and disenfranchised

Look at people like Bryan Stevenson, Barack Obama, Johnnie Cochran, and many other countless examples, whose impact greatly exceeds the cost of law school.

What is hundreds of thousands in costs and possible debt compared to the chance to literally save people lives, guide the free world, or take arguably the most notorious case in history.

These opportunities are almost priceless.

When you can acknowledge and accept everything has a barrier of entry, you can respect the fact that these prices are set for a reason.

When you spend that $1,000 on a keyboard, or those few hundreds on computer software, you won’t let that money go to waste, especially if its your own hard earned money!

No sir! You’re going to put your best foot forward making sure every penny spent will earn you back something even if its only spiritual gain and not a monetary increase.

 Follow Me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn




Look at these black brothers striving for success!

Look at these black brothers striving for success!

My upcoming schedule for school seems like hell on paper. I have six classes and taking two of the hardest courses in law school history! Whoa!!! lmao.

My schedule would’ve gave first semester me the shakes. Now I feel like I can handle such a rigorous course load. Of course confidence in being able to adequately handle such a demanding course load comes with  experience.

Prior to my entry into law school, I never studied a day in my life. I didn’t know what studying was. I always say if I had my law school work ethic in high school and college, I would’ve had a 4.6 GPA. #NoCap

Entering school in 2017 gave me a super shock to my core. I knew it was material I couldn’t bs with unless I wanted to flunk out upon arrival.

Over time I learned and adjusted w/ new study strategies that helped me get better and better grades each term (after having a second semester slump).

Now being back on top in my studies I feel ready to take the new challenge of a rigorous course load. In other words, I can handle it now bro.

Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn
