As the NBA season intensifies, shocking twists are on the horizon. Discover five fearless predictions, from Detroit’s playoff surge to Russell Westbrook’s epic comeback, and how new Finals contenders could reshape the league’s future.
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lebron james
As the NBA season intensifies, shocking twists are on the horizon. Discover five fearless predictions, from Detroit’s playoff surge to Russell Westbrook’s epic comeback, and how new Finals contenders could reshape the league’s future.
Read MoreNike just dropped the LeBron 22, and the “Currency” colorway has sneakerheads buzzing. But a Monopoly-inspired Zoom Generation, locked behind Friends and Family exclusivity, has left fans frustrated. Why does Nike keep its best designs out of reach? Let’s break down what’s wrong with this approach—and how they can fix it.
May 20, 2021
This NBA season a new gameplay mechanic was introduced to the league( I don’t know why I’m making this sound like 2K lmao). The NBA now has what is called the “Play-In Tournament” which lower seeded teams compete in a mini tournament for the last two slots in the NBA Playoffs. Unfortunately my guy Bron and his Lakers found themselves in the tournament, after being ranked the number one team at some point earlier in the season. Nevertheless the Laker Boys season was on the line as they scratched and crawled to defend their NBA title ( and we still celebrating that to this day….to..this…DAY!).
Lakers v. Warriors became the marquee match-up for the evening, a match up that seem fitting to be a finals game itself! Steph Curry vs Lebron James, it never gets old…yes I mean NEVERRRR! The Lakers does as they usually do drag the entire game out until your heart is jumping out of your chest like a looney tune (go see Space Jam: A New Legacy and put more money in my guy pockets please and thank you!)
The final play comes down to a Lakers possession, tied up, desparately needing a shot. When the ball hits KCP hands in the paint, the Warriors defense proved to be too much as he is forced to kick it out to KIng James. With under two seconds on the shot clock while defended by Wardell Curry, he hoists a three from the Whole Foods off Fairfax and drains a very Curry-Esque three! Victory was secured and the Lakers earn a spot in the playoffs (only to end up eliminated but that’s not the point of this article).
Washed King! Also y’all see my cousin name up there, go stream all of 2real codee music !! Here’s the link:
Later Lebron James posts the magnificent shot sequence to his instagram page. When I saw the posts I said “I love that athletes can do this”! So many great sports moments missed the social media window, it would’ve been so cool to see athletes react in real time. What if we could’ve gotten a tweet from MJ after he shook Byron Russell out his boots?(Yeah you wasn’t pushed my boy). What if we could’ve gotten an IG Livestream from Ali? Hell what if we even gotten Deion Sanders making statuses about his performances while hopping from sport to sport like its double dutch.
Social Media as we all know can be a deep vacuum for negative energy located smacked in the middle of East Hell. However, social media is great when we get to see GOATs react to something they just did on the court, their reaction hypes up the next game, gives sports commentators more to discuss, its just an overall good vibe for the sports community. I definitely won’t be taking these moments for granted. I can see my goats relish in the moment and not wait until a documentary 30 years later. Its their flowers and they need it now!
Follow Me on twitter @onlyonejevonn
Originally Released 2016. Now Back In Stock for a Limited Time.
- On this Date 3 years ago, Lebron, Kyrie, and the Cleveland Cavaliers made history by securing the first championship for the land and Lebron’s 3rd.
- Forever etched in history, this shirt by WELÇOME©️, helps commemorate the On-court camaraderie created between the Land’s two stars.
- Hand Drawn Printed On WLCM’s signature yellow tee, this shirt will make you stand out like the champion you are.
- You May not get that special shot like Kyrie or that Beastly Block like Bron, but you’ll wear the Another Day tee knowing you’re a star w/ a Champion Style.
SAY UR WLCM, new collection, coming soon.
My mantra of #ANTISHORTCUT, still stands, in terms of there is no easy way in achieving what you want. But as you move closer to your achievements, you'll find they'll be things you could do to make the process much easier.
Allow me to explain.
When I first started briefing cases for law school , I used to spend hours briefing one case! This is because I didn't know what I looking for in the material and I haven't spent enough time with.
Think of a first time driver. Their always extra cautious and tend to stick to preferred routes. But when there's someone experienced behind the wheel, they know places like the back of their hand and they can conduct an entire orchestra at the same time while driving.
Inexperience can't lead a person to taking alternatives (shortcuts). It's particularly the reason why taking shortcuts lead to failure because you haven't even put in the work to take one!
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In most cases it is natural for us to react to anyone that may try to get us riled up. We instantly feel the need to go tit for tat when someone attempts to disrespect us. What most of us fail to realize is that we get to choose rather or not what the offender does actually offends us or not. Situations like these remind me of when you get ready to play a game of 2K with someone .
When you bring up an exhibition game of 2K each player has to choose a side ,if a player fails to choose a side then the other player ends up playing by themselves. Much like if someone fails to react to someone messing with them the other person is bound to be stuck with themselves because they did not get the reaction they were hoping for.
A lot of people like to play games but they’re not much fun to play when you have to play them with yourself. Next time when faced with a situation of agitation and unwanted disturbance think twice before you give attention to a game you do not desire to play.
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