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In this world of overachievers and plain old doers, sometimes being a consumer can get a bad rep. Even though it is consumers that allow businesses and especially entrepreneurs to thrive.
You often hear people debate about producer vs consumer. Consumption only becomes a problem if there is too much consuming without producing. Consuming should prompt action eventually.
Take for example, this weekend when I was watching Netflix’s Carole & Tuesday, an anime about two girls and their come up in the music industry. While watching the show I was so intrigued about the world building, characters, and the music.
While taking all that in, I was inspired to make new music that is directly influenced from the show. That’s what being a consumer is about. A person can’t be a producer without someone to consume the content (well they can but it would fall on deaf ears).
I didn’t just consume consume consume, I took something as pure entertainment and allowed it to naturally spark action for me to take.
Now I found a new fav show and made new music, that my listeners are sure to enjoy! (My new album, Gotta Love Where Ya At out Jan. 2020.)
Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn