Jaevonn Harris

Why Fame Demands Spiritual Protection

Why Fame Demands Spiritual Protection

Fame subjects individuals to intense scrutiny and a flood of opinions, both positive and negative. The power of words can shape reality, making spiritual protection crucial for maintaining peace and well-being. This article explores the impact of negativity on public figures and the importance of speaking with care and intention.

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The Most Clutch Feature in Existence!!

The Most Clutch Feature in Existence!!

The Stem Splitter in Logic Pro is a game-changer for music creators. In this article, I share how it helped me breathe new life into my earlier classics while working on a track inspired by my Detroit Tigers hoodie featuring Kerry Carpenter. If you’re serious about music, you need Logic Pro in your life—whether it’s the full version or the free trial. Don’t sleep on this feature!

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Two Different Modes

Two Different Modes

Creativity has two modes: creating for yourself and creating for others. Whether I’m making music, art, or merch, I lean toward staying true to my vision—but I know how to shift gears when needed. Let me break down how I balance these two approaches in my music, upcoming album, and brands like WELÇOME© and THE CORNER™."

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Age and Music

October 12, 2022

Two careers that a young black boy will always take an interest in are, Rapping and Athletics. Most people have done both feats and most haven’t made any professional stride in either category. Most of them starts young as well. I never wanted to be a professional athlete but please believe I love rapping with all my heart. I’ve been rapping since maybe 2000. I really started consistently writing raps in the 7th grade but I wrote my first rap way earlier, it was a rap about shoelaces lol. During that same week I wrote my first song called “Oreo Klondike Bar” lmao. I wrote it in the vein of RUNDMC’s My Adidas lol. If you know me my first song being about Oreos makes perfect sense lmao.

Fast forward as I get older with music around 18/19 I started locking in with my younger cousin Khalil, who was around 12/13 at the time. So basically I became his mentor and started getting his rapping chops right. When he started writing it was a struggle because he was so young so he didn’t have much experience in life, I was only a few years older, but those few years makes a difference.

Me and Khalil first and final tape together released in 2011, due to tragic events we could not complete the second one even though we worked on it. #LongLiveKhalil

When we would be writing together I told him “Cuz just focus on yo flow because nobody grown wanna hear you because you too young to talk about something relatable.” That’s when he would start going and start focusing on playing with how he said things rather than what he said. I can remember coaching him on saying the same part fifty different times lmao. Man those were great times, as time started to progress, he started digging deeper, and was starting to fight the reverse ageism against his lyrical content.

With the combination of him studying music on his own and me co-writing his verses, he started to understand himself as an artist. It got to a point where he would send me hooks and songs that I didn’t write his verse or anything, and I would be impressed like Damn cuz you wrote this?

For anyone who starts music young this is basically all our story not just Khalil’s. When you’re young making music, you’re either capping way too much or talking about some absolute bs. The younger you are you should just focused on sounding good, learning how to write, and studying music. Then when you’re older you’ll gain actual experience which you could translate into songs.

Its amazing as an artist to reach a point where you can take a situation or event in your life and write a song about that one specific thing and not get off topic, while rhyming and actual sounding dope. That’s why I’m so excited to see younger people get that spark to want to do music, but I hate the people that get into to waste time and not take it serious.

I don’t wanna hear no 14 year old talking about smoking opps, racks going crazy, and a whole bunch of dumb stuff we know you not doing, If your idiotic self is actually doing it then we got bigger problems then music because you’re heading down the path of destruction. Its getting real Dennis the Menace in this bih lmao ( but a 100 times worse).

Remember Bow Wow started young but no grown man wanted to hear him as a little boy. He was for little girls, as he aged he still had a female target audience, but his content grew and matured, proving my age and music point.

If you’re a young a preteen/teen don’t ever get discouraged from pursuing your genuine interest in rapping. Yes we have enough rappers and most are extremely trash and posisbly destructive to our community but I believe in people following their passion. Who cares if its a thousand rappers, its only one you! Invest in yourself, let time be your teacher, and grow, grow, grow!

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The disconnect between legal professionals and non-legal professionals seem more distant now than ever. There’s clauses for clauses, words the average person would never understand, and a bunch of mumbo jumbo in between you may think to yourself, “screw it I’ll sign this let’s just get this over already”.

The Beginning of One of Kanye’s Many Music Contracts

The Beginning of One of Kanye’s Many Music Contracts

However thinking back to Kanye’s tirade earlier this year about deceptive business practices in music contracts and even recently with Dave Chappelle’s situation with not wanting the Chappelle Show to be streamed anywhere(due to his lack of just compensation), maybe its just time to write contracts how we are actually speaking.

https://www.instagram.com/tv/CH-rR9znT3g/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link ( Dave Chappelle’s Unforgiven)

Thinking back to my drafting class in law school, our biggest assignment was to correct a lengthy contract and make it as plain/simple as possible. Let me be the first to tell you that was a real chore to do. If I had to see another “hereforth” “thereafter” or some other term we never say I was going to lose my wig. If I was feeling that as law student, with SOME understanding of the law, imagine a young guy/gal with NO LAWYER (or a very sleazy one) feel like.

Plain Language can operate as the much needed bridge between the legal world and those who operate outside of it. Legal Professionals think with a whole different brain than other people, some of the words I use with my non-legal friends, I know they say, “Harry what the heck are you talking about”. So Imagine an experienced Lawyer using their full arsenal of vocabulary in contract negotiations, it makes my head just thinking about it.

Even in my business practices, plain language has been at the core of my contracts, its as simple as “abc” and “xyz”. The question remains is why aren’t contracts reflecting plain language more often? Do Lawyers want to prove their extreme intelligence? Is it to hide deceptive practices in plain sight? Or is it a “this is how we’ve always done it” thing, so no one has the courage to break free from it?

Whatever the reason is, plain language need to be adapted, so each party can know exactly what is required from them in the deal and for absolute fairness to be ensured!

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Recently one of the world’s most beloved video games dropped its polished reimagining for fans worldwide to gawk over.

That’s right, Final Fantasy VII Remake, have finally released after all these years. With stunning graphics, reimagined gameplay, and a story that’s sure to pull your heart strings, it’s no wonder fans are itching to play this game.

I want to play this game so damn bad but I still haven’t bought a PS4, so I went to YouTube to watch gameplay.

That’s when I got sucked into watching someone else play the game in its entirety step by step and I love it.

Some people can’t understand how others can watch someone else playa an entire video game. 

Well here’s how..


When I watch theradbrad’s videos it is worthwhile because of the commentary. He always walk you through his process in approaching the game, tell mini stories, and give a lot of background context to a game I never played before.

I went to watch other gameplay videos because I couldn’t wait to see what happens next and I just couldn’t do it. The other vid had no talking and it didn’t make me feel connected to the game at all.

Sure the whole point of the video is to see the game, but theradbrad’s commentary provided an invaluable experience.

Which is why I won’t know what happens in the game until he makes a video showing it first.


Just like theradbrad, you can use your voice in a natural way to cultivate an audience. Use your voice for things you are passionate about and try to incorporate some of your personal life  into the mix.

Theradbrad, speaks about how the game differs from the original when he played and give stories about how it was as a ten year old to play such a massive game.

Whatever your topic is you have to let your audience feel connected to you. Stick to the facts, inject some humor, and most of all have fun.

You may not reach a gazillion subscribers but I can assure you, you will have people in love with your content dying for the next piece you decide to release.


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Yesterday, an ASTRONOMICAL event went down, yes pun intended.

Listen to “The Scotts” by The Scotts (Travis Scott x Kid Cudi )https://tidal.com/browse/track/138678361

Listen to “The Scotts” by The Scotts (Travis Scott x Kid Cudi )


If you haven’t heard Travis Scott held a virtual concert within the popular video game, Fortnite. 

I’m sure you heard of it before, you or some kid in your family plays it for an ungodly amount of hours.

Seriously put it down for a bit!

Anyways, this concert carried on in true Laflame fashion. Flames everywhere, raging character models, and even new music w/ Kid Cudi (Goooo Cudi!).

After seeing this event take place, I instantly thought to myself “We need more of this”.

Here’s the thing though it can’t be corny and must feel organic.


Travis Scott and Fortnite worked because they’ve collaborated before. 

More so, Fortnite’s over the top world fits with the grandiose theme of Travis’ latest release Astroworld.

It was the perfect mix between two powerhouse brands.

Not to mention the timing was impeccable we are in a pandemic for crying out loud.


I would like to see more virtual concerts but they must fit the artists.

Maybe someone can do a concert in Animal Crossing or even Grand Theft Auto.

Whatever the game is as long it’s an organic fit between the artists and the video game titles this could be a new frontier that can change concert attendance forever.



Monetization wouldn’t be a problem either. The event should be free but do as Travis Scott and release specific merchandise that is tailored to the concert experience. 

Make it limited and a surprise drop, you’ll have impulse shoppers and devoted advocates spending millions in no time. 

The gaming and music industry just hit it big!

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By now, you’ve been affected by the world spread phenomenon of COVID-19 ,known throughout the world as Coronavirus. 


Coronavirus have impacted all of America, leaving many people out of work, not knowing where the next dollar may come from, and anxiously waiting for a Government check.

During this meltdown I thought about how would this impact future contracts with freelancers and businesses.


I can imagine after things go back to “normal”, people will want contract drafters to specify stipulations that will take place if another pandemic is in effect.


I can anticipate people would want things such as payment obligations, deadline extensions, or a complete void if pandemic prevents the obligations from being carried out.

You can also expect employees wanting businesses to have emergency funds in place or work from home conditions that will not negatively impact their pay.


Without our health we are extremely limited in what we can accomplish. Hence the term “Health is Wealth”.

Follow my art page on instagram.com/the__corner

Follow my art page on instagram.com/the__corner

I would also anticipate seeing language such as “ as long as parties are within reasonable health” and things of that nature.

Health will become such a focal point because after all this no one wants to work with anyone who is sick.

The slightest cough could send a room into a frenzy.

So parties would want to ensure health is the main priority so that any obligations that must be met will be met with a clear & sound mind and as much good physical health as possible.


The Coronavirus is still running rampant throughout the world, devouring anyone who isn’t careful of its cobra clutches.

It is important we remain safe and prayed up.

When we are blessed to engage back in business, we should make sure all i’s are dotted and all our t’s are crossed, making sure we are aren’t caught off guard by a national pandemic like this again.

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The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

Listen Here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/charlamagne-from-kings-mouth-to-gods-ears/id1477898952?i=1000453902104

Listen Here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/charlamagne-from-kings-mouth-to-gods-ears/id1477898952?i=1000453902104

Not too long ago, I was listening to T.I.’s Expeditiously,(great podcast check it out) and famed radio-hpst & entrepreneur, Charlamagne Tha God, was the special guest for the week.

In that episode they discussed religion, (yes a very sticky topic for everyone) and the gentlemen were confused on how the whole power dynamic between God and Jesus work. 

They(specifically T.I.) were confused about how no one could get to God without going thru the son, Jesus. They couldn’t understand how the Son could have power over the father.

As a devoted Christian, I thought quite a bit how I could explain a somewhat confusing concept to a non-believer or simply anyone who would want to know how that work.

One morning at work, it suddenly came to me. What we know as The Holy Trinity, (God, Jesus, & the Holy Spirit) works in tandem and you can’t have one without the other.


A simple way to grasp this is to think about it as a bike, God & Jesus are the wheels and the Holy Spirit is the handle bars. Without all three the bike would not be able to work effectively and that’s how the Holy Trinity works. 

Before the Holy Spirit was introduced in the New Testament it took a lot to communicate with God. Sacrifices and a bunch of stuff most people couldn’t keep up with today had to be done in order to talk to the Big Man.

You can think of God pre New Testament as a unicycle. It was God solely and that was effective but difficult to navigate. The difficulty of riding a unicycle can be adjacent to the difficultly of maintaining an effective relationship with God in those days.

Thus the New Testament(the bike) makes life much easier to deal with.

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The Basement has been a cornerstone in the community for years. Basements were so important that there was a whole tv show acting like they was in a basement.

Rap City’s The Basement helped emulate the raw feeling of listening to music in your basement, you actually felt like a guest in Big Tigger’s (pictured right) home.

Rap City’s The Basement helped emulate the raw feeling of listening to music in your basement, you actually felt like a guest in Big Tigger’s (pictured right) home.

You may ask yourself why would someone act like they was in a basement, what is the significance of that? The answer is, the basement represents an organic feel and serves as a starting point towards an individually led life.

I remember the basement in several ways. The Basement had minimal supervision by adults which allowed you to operate without someone watching your every move. 

Basements were the place for parties, creating music, many dreams starts and unfortunately ends in the basement. The Basement as previously mentioned is only supposed to be a starting point.

When in the Basement mindset, expectations are low, you can work with restrictions, and you’re living life without urgency. It’s all about fun and just making the most out of the situation.

But at some point, the Basement should be left to cover higher ground in life. It is acceptable to see a 17 year old or younger in the basement but the older you get the less acceptable it becomes.

Reason being is the Basement is limited in what can be accomplished. If the Basement started as your gym, you wouldn’t work out down there forever, even if you may have all the essentials, the more you get into working out the more you would desire a true facility.

Making music in the Basement can get tiresome at some point as well, you have to worry about the noise or the quality or even the overall atmosphere. At some point you will desire to upgrade and surpass the four wall limit.

No matter what you do the goal is to obtain complete freedom to operate in the full capacity that is desired for yourself. The Basement helps us realize our origins and with enough work & dedication anything we did starting in the basement can be taken worldwide.


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sasuke return to konoha.jpg

I recently came across an old Naruto panel, that featured Sasuke returning to his home village (Konoha).

His goal during that point in the story was to destroy Konoha, for using his brother as a scapegoat for a foul plan that involved the massacre of his entire clan.

Sasuke speaking with the previous 4 Hokages.

Sasuke speaking with the previous 4 Hokages.

Not being totally evil and still needing to be convinced, Sasuke has Orochimaru resurrect the previous hokages(that’s the show’s version of presidents)  to determine if he should destroy the village or not.

Each told their story about how they felt they went wrong and how their decisions led to today’s mess.

That story always made me think man it would be easier to make decisions if you could talk to those that already died and learned where they went wrong first hand.

[yes I know some people can think they can talk to the dead but they’re not talking to the dead they’re talking to “familiar spirits” but that’s discussion for another day].

If we could hear first hand from people like 

MLK or Malcolm X and ask them where they think their fatal mistake was or what would they have done differently,


It would help plenty people from making irrational, rash, and foolish decisions.

Much like how Sasuke talk with the Hokages deterred him from wanting to destroy his home village.

If it wasn’t for that conversation, Sasuke would have to do like us in the real world and simply observe people’s lives and study their every move to determine where things went astray.

They say a wise person learn from the mistakes of others but without a direct conversation we’re limited to what we can learn about them.

Which is why God probably made it so we couldn’t communicate with the dead. I believe our journey would be overly simplified and it would take away one of the key points of living, which is growth.

Now I must continue to observe those who have fallen every move to avoid their pitfalls but can’t act like  I don’t still yearn for an intimate conversation with them everyday so I can avoid rash, irrational decisions like Sasuke. (Never as extreme as Sasuke but you know the vibes).

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I remember when I first started my self improvement journey one of the first things I learned was not to reveal everything you know. For a while this made sense because well before WELÇOME© existed, me and a former partner of mine was trying to get shirts made and no one would give us info on how to get anything made. Probably because people were scared of competition and no one told them so they kept the cycle of ignorance going. So I thought that was the natural way of doing things.

Then as I started to accomplish more I began to notice, telling everything you know can’t work against you…if you’re a constant learner. How can you tell everything you know, if you don’t know everything? *minds explode*

People who are scared to share information, may seem threatened by the person who seeks the information or may believe the knowledge they hold is scarce and everyone shouldn’t have access to it.

Granted everything isn’t anyone business and its totally up to you to decide what people should be privy too. However this notion of people gaining a “1-Up” over someone or just using you information is sorta ridiculous.

Always keep in mind most times people aren’t going to use the information they seek from you, so it doesn’t hurt you to tell them because they lack the willpower/fortitude to act on the info anyway.

You can always tell when someone is serious, especially when you make it to a position where people regularly asks you for advice.

I’m not anywhere near where I want to be yet I still receive messages asking for advice on the regular basis. This idea of people “1-Uping” you can’t be fathomable if you keep yourself in active learning mode. Constantly improving is what keeps you ahead, not actively destroying those who seek t get ahead.

It may be a “dog eat dog” world, but there isn’t a need to move vicious all the time. Be willing to extend the helping hand because really the only one who suffer, is the fool who fails to act. 

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Recently I was watching an instastory of Pharrell’s as he journeyed through Japan. I thought to myself “man this is really cool what he’s showing me I need to make sure I hit places up like these when I hit Japan “ and then “I thought holy crap this is what instagram is really for.” I believe instagram is a tool to help show people what their aspirations and goals look like in tangible form. By having an inside look they can better visualize desirable things for themselves. 

Although mostly instagram is used as an ego-driven instant gratification platform, I believe it to be more credible than that. Japan has always been a dream visit of mine due to how much I love anime and a couple of other things. Seeing Skateboard P expose so much of his routine, makes me actualize the same things for myself.

seen this floating around? This is the guy behind “SUPPORT BLACK COLLEGES”👉🏾  https://instagram.com/kool.kiy?igshid=11frgfha0vg6y

seen this floating around? This is the guy behind “SUPPORT BLACK COLLEGES”

👉🏾  https://instagram.com/kool.kiy?igshid=11frgfha0vg6y

Another instagram user by the name of Kool.Kiy also serves as an inspiration. He is a talented young man who has his own successful clothing line, though people may not know him personally they have definitely seen his work before.


At time he may posts his sales by screen-shotting his Shopify notifications that shows an abundance of sales in short time periods. Now in the eyes of lames, fools, and hams this can be taken the wrong way very quickly.

However in the eyes of myself I see something that can also be for me. Him showing his sales and the process behind his craft allows me to visualize the same for myself and use his a success as motivation and a guiding light rather to hate on.

Next time while surfing thru the gram (which you’ll probably do immediately after reading this) think about each post that features one of your desires, as something that can serve as inspiration.

Like Meek Mill classic captions used to say For Motivational Purposes Only.

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  Just recently Cardi B tied Nicki Minaj as the female rapper with the most #1’s tin Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart history (4 each). This accolade undoubtedly sparked more Cardi/Nicki comparisons and probably had people saying look at how Cardi did it in such a shorter time than Nicki. 

The thing is she’s supposed to do it quicker and that’s not a knock to Nicki, its actually a credit to her. When people pave the way it shouldn’t take the people that come after them the same amount of time it took their predecessor to accomplish the same feat. If it did then what was the point of the accomplishment anyway?

George Lewis Ruffin, American attorney  

George Lewis Ruffin, American attorney  

All the accomplishment show is that its possible! Once a person see that its possible that should be enough ammo to go head on into reaching that goal. This is fact in fiction and even non-fiction. Once Goku reached super saiyan it didn’t take a long time for the next saiyan to become super saiyan as well. When George Lewis Ruffin became the first black student in 1869 to earn a degree from Harvard Law School it didn’t take until 1969 for another black to earn a degree from there as well. When these impossible feats happen eventually it should become a common feat. We see black law students enter Harvard all the time, its a gazillion super saiyans, so on and so forth. 

look at all those damn super saiyans

look at all those damn super saiyans

However, no matter how common the feat becomes it should still be celebrated because it took immense hard work and dedication. When a goal is reached in half the time, the predecessor shouldn’t feel a way nor should the successor feel superior. As time progress a person will always accomplished what you did in a shorter time but only because they’re supposed to and when that happens don’t be afraid to give them room to shine. 

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 The ongoing debate about whether to attend school or not continues almost each and everyday. To plainly nip the problem in the bud, YOU DO NOT NEED SCHOOL TO SUCCEED. That is extremely  generally speaking though because the main people who stick by that rhetoric are more often than not lazy and don’t put in the necessary work to succeed.


 The main argument people use is the “Bill Gates Dropped Outta Harvard” stance. That stance is extremely flawed for several reasons. After more life experience and hearing about how Microsoft came about, it was revealed to me that Bill had access to early innovative tech before anyone, you realize that first you gotta have the ability to even get in Harvard, then you gotta spend all your time working and not having a life.

 People say they don’t need school but don’t put the hours on hours on hours on hours on hours on hours into creating, failing, failing , failing , failing, failing, failing, creating, sweating, failing, innovating, etc.

 People expect to cut corners and get it quick and never realize how they are setting themselves up to lose. People who would always be adamant about NOT going to school, I would always remind them “Aye that 4 years is going on anyway might as well put it to use.” Then people make arguments about not having debt and I always thought like why is you worried about debt and you already broke lol.

Not a training sequence but this was a kick ass fight ! 

Not a training sequence but this was a kick ass fight ! 

 I even thought about how the success of fictional characters embraced the idea of working super duper hard. Like in the anime NARUTO, the two strongest characters NARUTO and SASUKE trained the hardest out of everyone, nonstop and reaped the benefits. However on paper they’re rank as ninjas is still the lowest because they never passed the exam required to move up in ninja ranking. The feat of being the strongest is even more amazing for Naruto because is also the leader of his village. The leader of the village often attains the highest ninja rank before becoming the nation’s chosen leader.

 Even though they are anime characters they are prime examples of people who didn’t take a traditional route and still succeeded. But like I vocalized throughout this article don’t shun school or any form of education unless you’re going to outwork everyone that’s enrolled in school by at least a 100 times!

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Today, I was watching THE JUMP and Kobe Bryant was a featured guest (via telephone) and he discussed his thoughts on Lebron joining the coveted LAKERS franchise.

He said a profound statement in which he spoke on how the Lakers housed plenty of hall of famers who can provide proper insight for Lebron on how to lead the Lakers to the forefront of NBA dominance once more.

That sparked an idea in me, that statement attributes to the multiple reasons why it’s hard for some people to bear the burden of the responsibility to succeed.



Many people are first generation of whatever they are doing; college students, athletes, entrepreneurs,etc. There’s a lack of people for those who strive for greatness can reach back and gain advice/guidance from.

Wisdom from elders and those who been in your shoes is extremely advantageous. Experience of others allows a person to navigate with minimal mistakes and approach difficult situations from new perspective but with just as much as poise as their predecessors.


It’s like how T’Challa has access to all the previous Black Panthers. He don’t always go to them for every dilemma but when something exceed his scope of problem solving he can go to previous generations and can come to a swift conclusion. Whether that is to listen to them verbatim or makeshift an answer based on his solutions and theirs.

To increase success, success must increase (don’t let that go over your head). More success mean more mentors more advisors to lead the youth to more prominence in society.

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 There’s been a thought that has been lingering on my mind lately and its the question of “how big of a role does ego play in the life of an artist”? I mentioned ego specifically because I’ve thought about the public display of artists’ work.

 When an artist prepare for a showcase the artist puts their heart and soul into pieces that will be appreciated (and purchased if for sale) by those in attendance. Isn’t that a bit egotistical? Think for a second..in the simplest of terms you’re basically saying “everyone this is my art please praise to no end and give me money for coloring and making stuff..please and thanks”. However what stops showcases from being a public display of an artist’s ego is people interest in them.


 People gather round to shows and museums not to fall head over heels for the artist (although some do) people attend for the experience that comes with heart. You come together and look at extensions of a person’s mind in tangible form, you enjoy food, time with family, etc. All the things that were mentioned from a negative perspective earlier can be spun to a positive point, its all about how the user look at it.

 Just like there are people who couldn’t understand why four blocks of color could be considered art there are those who are able to find the deeper meaning in it and those are the ones who help art be seen as an appreciative measure rather an egomaniac begging for attention.


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