ANOTHER DAY (reissue)

Originally Released 2016. Now Back In Stock for a Limited Time. - On this Date 3 years ago, Lebron, Kyrie, and the Cleveland Cavaliers made history by securing the first championship for the land and Lebron’s 3rd. - Forever etched in history, this s…

Originally Released 2016. Now Back In Stock for a Limited Time.
- On this Date 3 years ago, Lebron, Kyrie, and the Cleveland Cavaliers made history by securing the first championship for the land and Lebron’s 3rd.
- Forever etched in history, this shirt by WELÇOME©️, helps commemorate the On-court camaraderie created between the Land’s two stars.
- Hand Drawn Printed On WLCM’s signature yellow tee, this shirt will make you stand out like the champion you are.
- You May not get that special shot like Kyrie or that Beastly Block like Bron, but you’ll wear the Another Day tee knowing you’re a star w/ a Champion Style.