In recent times you may have noticed a surge of people wanting to become entrepreneurs and/or expand their creative boundaries. Although many of these people just enjoy the thought of accomplishing something instead of actually pursuing it. Think of a new venture as playing a video game you just purchased. Usually when you play a game for the first time it asks you would you like a tutorial or skip straight ahead.
The tutorial doesn't seem like a bad idea but spending time on it takes away from you actually starting the game and that is what happens when people spend too much time in the research stage. To get started you don't have to learn every move of the game in the beginning it'd save you more time to just learn as you go and pick up on new skills by collaborating with more people. Its adjacent to playing your new game with someone else who already has it and they show you things that you didn't previously know how to do before.
Learning is essential but it can be crippling but the one thing that triumphs learning is applying what you learn. So skip all the lessons for now go ahead and get started now you're going to be happy that you did.
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