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kyrie irving
ANOTHER DAY (reissue)
Originally Released 2016. Now Back In Stock for a Limited Time.
- On this Date 3 years ago, Lebron, Kyrie, and the Cleveland Cavaliers made history by securing the first championship for the land and Lebron’s 3rd.
- Forever etched in history, this shirt by WELÇOME©️, helps commemorate the On-court camaraderie created between the Land’s two stars.
- Hand Drawn Printed On WLCM’s signature yellow tee, this shirt will make you stand out like the champion you are.
- You May not get that special shot like Kyrie or that Beastly Block like Bron, but you’ll wear the Another Day tee knowing you’re a star w/ a Champion Style.
SHOP: gettothecorner.com
Exposure And Angles
I was on Instagram and I saw another pair of Kyrie 5s on my explore page. I’ve been seeing Kyrie 5s a lot lately and now I’m at the point that I want a pair.
The most recent pair I’ve seen made me questioned why did I want a pair? And I realized after doing some reverse marketing on myself.
I came to realize that the combination of consistently seeing cool pairs with quality pictures is what made me finally want a pair of Kyrie 5s.
If you want a product to pop think about l two factors; Exposure and Angles.
Constantly keeping something in someone face while presenting it in a quality form can convince someone that it is time to make that purchase.
And Instagram (social media in general) serves as a good platform to constantly expose a product to the masses. If someone possess the ability to visually capture a product then there’s no limits to the amount of people that can be won over to support a product.
Visit gettothcorner.com
NBA 2K18
It's not an ancient secret that being present or "in the moment" is the ideal state to be in yet many people still struggle with achieving this state of mind. Yesterday after I finished drawing I noticed that my mind didn't wonder anywhere else it was strictly focused on drawing.
Comic Book Artist, Paolo Rivera focused intensely on a painting.
When you zone in a 100% on any activity you eliminate worrying and over-thinking because all of your energy go towards the here and now.
Imagine Phil Mickelson trying to get a hole in one or Kyrie Irving trying to make a game winning shot with their mind cluttered with "when is the mortgage due again" or "man I wonder when game of thrones is coming back on"? It isn't possible to be in the present without being focused.
After you've finished an activity or a chore think about how you felt, if you can reminisce on feelings of serenity and calmness then congrats you've achieved peace in the present.
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