
The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

Listen Here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/charlamagne-from-kings-mouth-to-gods-ears/id1477898952?i=1000453902104

Listen Here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/charlamagne-from-kings-mouth-to-gods-ears/id1477898952?i=1000453902104

Not too long ago, I was listening to T.I.’s Expeditiously,(great podcast check it out) and famed radio-hpst & entrepreneur, Charlamagne Tha God, was the special guest for the week.

In that episode they discussed religion, (yes a very sticky topic for everyone) and the gentlemen were confused on how the whole power dynamic between God and Jesus work. 

They(specifically T.I.) were confused about how no one could get to God without going thru the son, Jesus. They couldn’t understand how the Son could have power over the father.

As a devoted Christian, I thought quite a bit how I could explain a somewhat confusing concept to a non-believer or simply anyone who would want to know how that work.

One morning at work, it suddenly came to me. What we know as The Holy Trinity, (God, Jesus, & the Holy Spirit) works in tandem and you can’t have one without the other.


A simple way to grasp this is to think about it as a bike, God & Jesus are the wheels and the Holy Spirit is the handle bars. Without all three the bike would not be able to work effectively and that’s how the Holy Trinity works. 

Before the Holy Spirit was introduced in the New Testament it took a lot to communicate with God. Sacrifices and a bunch of stuff most people couldn’t keep up with today had to be done in order to talk to the Big Man.

You can think of God pre New Testament as a unicycle. It was God solely and that was effective but difficult to navigate. The difficulty of riding a unicycle can be adjacent to the difficultly of maintaining an effective relationship with God in those days.

Thus the New Testament(the bike) makes life much easier to deal with.

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