Today, I was watching THE JUMP and Kobe Bryant was a featured guest (via telephone) and he discussed his thoughts on Lebron joining the coveted LAKERS franchise.

He said a profound statement in which he spoke on how the Lakers housed plenty of hall of famers who can provide proper insight for Lebron on how to lead the Lakers to the forefront of NBA dominance once more.

That sparked an idea in me, that statement attributes to the multiple reasons why it’s hard for some people to bear the burden of the responsibility to succeed.



Many people are first generation of whatever they are doing; college students, athletes, entrepreneurs,etc. There’s a lack of people for those who strive for greatness can reach back and gain advice/guidance from.

Wisdom from elders and those who been in your shoes is extremely advantageous. Experience of others allows a person to navigate with minimal mistakes and approach difficult situations from new perspective but with just as much as poise as their predecessors.


It’s like how T’Challa has access to all the previous Black Panthers. He don’t always go to them for every dilemma but when something exceed his scope of problem solving he can go to previous generations and can come to a swift conclusion. Whether that is to listen to them verbatim or makeshift an answer based on his solutions and theirs.

To increase success, success must increase (don’t let that go over your head). More success mean more mentors more advisors to lead the youth to more prominence in society.


LAVAR BALL: The Father You Never Knew You Needed

LAVAR BALL: The Father You Never Knew You Needed



 The center of media attention right now is none other than father of UCLA basketball superstar and two high school stars , LaVar Ball. Criticized for saying his son (Lonzo Ball) is better than Steph Curry, LaVar have the whole world speculating is he serious or is he seeking media attention?

  UNIVERSITY BALL by Jaevonn Harris,

  UNIVERSITY BALL by Jaevonn Harris,


 Here are two takeaways that shows LaVar isn't out of his mind and he's only being a good father.


 When LaVar is constantly asked by sports media journalists like Chris Broussard or Shannon Sharp what makes him think Lonzo is better than Steph Curry, he always responds with "He knows how hard his boys work". He even mentions how he would have them compete against each other to see who can make 50 shots in the yard first and he would have them compete against much older players to propel their growth even further. This shows that LaVar doesn't believe in being "all talk" it is clear his confidence stems from the effort he see his sons put on the court each and every day.


 "It's 3 B's on my hat and it's gon' cost you at least one of em" is the response LaVar gave when talking about wanting a billion dollar shoe deal for his sons. He explained that he doesn't want his brand to be owned like Lebron's king logo or Kobe's Mamba Symbol, he want his brand to co-exist with the biggest brands like NIKE, ADIDAS,etc. He said if those athletes ever decided to leave they wouldn't be able to take their brand that they've built with them and he refuse to sacrifice something he built for a check. The amount of belief you have in your brand can dictate how much the public have belief in your brand. If you think your brand is worth a billion dollars then baby it's worth a billion dollars, it isn't worth it until its proven otherwise.


 What LaVar wants for his sons is bigger than money, its LEGACY. The way he speaks on his boys even if they can't live up to the expectations should be respected by EVERYONE simply because of the lack of fathers that are even in their children's life. At the end of the day we're discussing basketball and basketball is simply entertainment. Say what you will about LaVar Ball but I bet you're going to say him and his family is as good as entertainment gets.


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