May 20, 2021


This NBA season a new gameplay mechanic was introduced to the league( I don’t know why I’m making this sound like 2K lmao). The NBA now has what is called the “Play-In Tournament” which lower seeded teams compete in a mini tournament for the last two slots in the NBA Playoffs. Unfortunately my guy Bron and his Lakers found themselves in the tournament, after being ranked the number one team at some point earlier in the season. Nevertheless the Laker Boys season was on the line as they scratched and crawled to defend their NBA title ( and we still celebrating that to this day….to..this…DAY!).

Lakers v. Warriors became the marquee match-up for the evening, a match up that seem fitting to be a finals game itself! Steph Curry vs Lebron James, it never gets old…yes I mean NEVERRRR! The Lakers does as they usually do drag the entire game out until your heart is jumping out of your chest like a looney tune (go see Space Jam: A New Legacy and put more money in my guy pockets please and thank you!)

The final play comes down to a Lakers possession, tied up, desparately needing a shot. When the ball hits KCP hands in the paint, the Warriors defense proved to be too much as he is forced to kick it out to KIng James. With under two seconds on the shot clock while defended by Wardell Curry, he hoists a three from the Whole Foods off Fairfax and drains a very Curry-Esque three! Victory was secured and the Lakers earn a spot in the playoffs (only to end up eliminated but that’s not the point of this article).

Washed King! Also y’all see my cousin name up there, go stream all of 2real codee music !! Here’s the link: https://linktr.ee/2RealCodee

Washed King! Also y’all see my cousin name up there, go stream all of 2real codee music !! Here’s the link: https://linktr.ee/2RealCodee


Later Lebron James posts the magnificent shot sequence to his instagram page. When I saw the posts I said “I love that athletes can do this”! So many great sports moments missed the social media window, it would’ve been so cool to see athletes react in real time. What if we could’ve gotten a tweet from MJ after he shook Byron Russell out his boots?(Yeah you wasn’t pushed my boy). What if we could’ve gotten an IG Livestream from Ali? Hell what if we even gotten Deion Sanders making statuses about his performances while hopping from sport to sport like its double dutch.

Social Media as we all know can be a deep vacuum for negative energy located smacked in the middle of East Hell. However, social media is great when we get to see GOATs react to something they just did on the court, their reaction hypes up the next game, gives sports commentators more to discuss, its just an overall good vibe for the sports community. I definitely won’t be taking these moments for granted. I can see my goats relish in the moment and not wait until a documentary 30 years later. Its their flowers and they need it now!

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April 28, 2021

Have you ever heard of someone accomplish a feat that isn’t all that impressive? That’s how I feel when people say they read the bible in full. It sounds good and maybe its kinda cool that you read such an immersive book in its entirety, but real talk you don’t get any points for that. I always thought about that rumor that Abraham Lincoln read the entire bible from front and back. I never questioned it back then but now I think of it like “ok what are we supposed to do with that information.”

Everything we was taught in school portrayed Abe Lincoln as a saint but I don’t know about that beloved.

Everything we was taught in school portrayed Abe Lincoln as a saint but I don’t know about that beloved.

Here’s why reading the bible in its entirety is NOT impressive. The Holy Bible is not your regular book. Its not about a hero’s journey (although some of that is applicable), its not the traditional beginning-middle-end narrative, and its not some science fiction book trying to capture your wildest imaginations. The Bible is a true, instructional book, that is meant to be read NUMEROUS times, not in any particular order. Reading in full means nothing if you don’t read for understanding.

The Bible is a never ending well that you continuously draw from. Before you read you’re supposed to pray for the ability to understand what you read and pray that the words speak to you with full clarity. That is why people read the Bible and then afterwards be like “man what the heck was that about”. It’s because they treated it like Harry Potter instead of a literal life source that gives instructions on how to live through ancient scripture.

If the King James version is too hard for you to understand at the time, you can always try a different translation.

If the King James version is too hard for you to understand at the time, you can always try a different translation.

When you read the Bible you should be thinking, How can I internalize this in my heart? What is God trying to say here? What do this story actually mean? How do these principles impact my life? What was the intent behind this? If you don’t feel like the Bible can actually teach you something, it’s no point of reading it. I can understand how people can have random goals like “read the bible completely”.

Nothing is wrong with that I can get how it can be cool to accomplish that and I understand the idea of doing stuff just because you can do it. My problem is don’t think you deserve a cookie or a pat on the back for doing something that really didn’t benefit you because you didn’t have the right heart state behind your actions.

So if reading the bible from front to back is on your to-do-list I’m not telling you to scratch it off. I’m telling you when you accomplish this task (congrats in advance) don’t pop out thinking anyone will be astonished or impressed, because what you did is NOT impressive beloved.

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April 25, 2021

Boy was at TMZ  talking crazy lol.

Boy was at TMZ talking crazy lol.

Lately the boy Kanye West has been under hella scrutiny and I guess for good reason. He ran around supporting what some people consider public enemy number one, he said slavery was a choice (even though people knew what he meant they just chose to ignore that), and a host of other things that made people go “wtf kanye”. Regardless of Kanye’s crazy actions we should applaud these actions he’s taken lately.


Turn $200 into a Million!

Turn $200 into a Million!

First off rest in peace, Earl Simmons. You may know him as DMX, the polarizing Yonkers MC gave the world numerous classics and greater than his classics he provided the world with an ingenuity that few possess. DMX was filled with so much soul that radiated with the nation, all colors and creed. When DMX passed hit it us all hard and naturally those in the arts wanted to honor DMX with tangible art.

Kanye did that by partnering with Balenciaga to create a DMX memorial tee. What makes this collaboration special is Kanye could’ve easily released this on his own accord or DMX estate could’ve easily printed up $30 tees for the public to consume. However, Kanye used high fashion and used people love for designer to his advantage.

Adding the designer cache, using a non-hip platform to elevate a hip hop legend, all equals a winning strategy that ended up greatly benefitting DMX’s estate. A $200 shirt amassed over a $1 Million that went to DMX’s estate and will continue to help his family even after DMX’s unfortunate passing. Ye didn’t have to do this. But his love and respect for DMX, especially having early placements on DMX album, drove him to make sure he honored DMX in a way HE KNEW he could. That’s something to respect in my opinion.


Also, rest in peace to George Floyd. I don’t even have to go into details here, we all sadly know that George Floyd’s life was unjustly taking and stirred up a smorgasbord of emotions across the world! Everyone reacted in different ways..some took to the streets to protest, some was driven to write, some was driven to create art, and some was even pushed to pray harder for change.

“I am one with the people” - Kanye West.(c) Saint Pablo ft Sampha. The Life of Pablo.

“I am one with the people” - Kanye West.

(c) Saint Pablo ft Sampha. The Life of Pablo.

Kanye took action as well by silently making one of the most commendable moves that a person with his stature can make in response to a situation such as this. Kanye donated $2 million to the estates of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery.

Not only did he make a monetary donation to the estate, he started a college fund for George Floyd’s daughter! Say what you want but that’s huge! Unfortunately the unjust deaths of blacks & minorities bring out vultures and attention whores who want to use misfortune to their advantage. It serves as think-pieces, social commentary, and many other profit driven forms.

Nothing is wrong with speaking and writing about these situations, but if you claim to be a progenitor of change but you’re all talk and no action then what are you really doing? Ye was not obligated to do this, yes he’s wealthy but his wealth is not owed to society. He may be criticized if he chose to not use his wealth to make change but at the end of the day it is his choice! He didn’t make a big splash or come out screaming from the mountain tops, “Look at what me, Kanye West has done!!!”.

No he saw a great wrong and he did what he probably felt in his heart was right. For someone who’s life was cut without just cause, creating opportunity for their offspring is one of the most respectable things you can do. Its literally putting your money where your mouth is, which is more of what we need!

Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn

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April 22, 2021


If there’s one topic that will be constantly discussed in these life logs, its entrepreneurship baby! Because what is the point of discussing anything else? Lmao! Anyways we have to discuss today, two icons in our culture, Master P and Shaq! Both have accomplished goals every black man in America probably wanted at some time in life, from rapping to basketball and everything in between.

Them boys got it out the mud foreal to attain and maintain a lifestyle acquiring wealth while creating generational wealth (ooo s/o to that generational wealth I will have that for my family in Jesus name no cap)!

Anyways, I was scrolling social media one day per usual and saw a video of Shaq from Business Insider (I believe) that discussed his involvement with all his brands. Then I was on instagram watching Master P promote his own Pancake Mix! That’s when it hit me, I said Damn them boys said “You Gon Buy Something”! I’m not even mad at them boys at all!


You can be a businessman with only one business that has a particular niche or you can be a serial entrepreneur whose business is business! (Don’t let that go over your head beloved). When your business is business your only concern is long as it make sense its gonna make cents! (Boy I did it again check me out). Master P and Shaq have their hands in so many things, you’re going to end up supporting something whether you like it or not! Oh you don’t like my shoes?

Ok buy my music! Wait you don’t like my music? Watch this movie I’m in! Wait you don’t like my movie? Ok slide thru my nightclub and have a good time! Oh you don’t like the club you say? Alright, stay in the house and eat some of this cereal I just whipped up! Oh you trying to stay healthy and not really feeling the sugar from the cereal beloved? Ok, no problem, come to this fitness center I just built!

See their hand is in everything you can think of almost. As a person who don’t want to be boxed into a single career, this gives me so much motivation! I’m going to hit people with the same formula, if you won’t buy this particular thing from me you’re going to get this other thing from me. On that note I leave you with this message beloved, you gon buy something!! lmao

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April 9, 2021

Come on give me a pound, you little go getter you!!

Come on give me a pound, you little go getter you!!

Life can be so disheartening at times, especially when you think about people being born into situations they can’t control and circumstances they didn’t ask for. When a person comes into the age of maturity from thereon a wide array of choices awaits them: good, bad, and everything in between. So when I see people choose to go get it and dare to be different, I automatically respects that.

As a creative person with an entrepreneurial spirit, I refuse to be a person taking the traditional route trying to be a high executive in someone company with a ceiling on my earning potential. I love seeing other people with that same attitude, getting up starting businesses and taking control of their destiny.

Living in the internet age it’s easy for people to start but consistency is an enemy to most, many times they quit way too early or simply aren’t dedicating enough time and resources to their endeavors. Which is why I instantly respect those who put their all into what they’re doing because you can tell. I love seeing my family, classmates, strangers, anyone who possess the courage to start that business, to actually go out and accomplish it!

I automatically respect other business owners because I know the trials and tribulations that comes with having a business all too well. I understand people not respecting your price(s). I understand not receiving support from those who you thought you would receive support from. I understand wanting to quit or questioning is this worth all the trouble. I understand being so excited about an idea that didn’t get the recognition you thought it deserved. I definitely understand losing money, sleep, friendships, almost any&everything that could be severed due to having a business, I experienced it.

In spite of all that negative nonsense I named, me and others like myself continue to grow. Continue to improve. Continue to gain new customers. Continue to gain new perspectives. Most importantly continue to take control of our destiny and resisting the traditional route at all costs! I got nothing but respect for that baby!

Follow Me on Twitter @onlyonejaevonn

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April 6, 2021

Image via sportsnet.

Image via sportsnet.

Its that time again that basketball fans around the world love! March Madness baby! People filling out brackets, competing to make the most accurate predictions, all while knowing that accurate predictions will elude them quicker than a punch thrown at Mayweather.

March Madness, is also a time to make history. History was almost made once again by the Men’s Basketball team at Gonzaga. Gonzaga scorched through the season leaving behind a trail of losers, even making it to the big stage. However, the Basketball Gods said once again screw all data and probability, and Gonzaga took a L on the biggest stage. Gonzaga had a chance to have the perfect season but once again, historic moments eludes another team.

96’ bulls & 16’ warriors. image via sports illustrated,

96’ bulls & 16’ warriors. image via sports illustrated,

After that loss it made me think…is perfection worth it? Its like we should’ve saw this coming. No one rarely meets this standard of perfection. I even thought back to the 2015-16 Warriors, they almost had the perfect season when they bested the Chicago Bulls’ regular season record, but in the end met their end as well. When you put in so much work, literal perfection, only to meet the bitter taste of defeat at the end, a sane person has to ask is it worth it?

You put this strain on your mental and physical. You play in top form day in day out. The expectations at this point is through the roof and maybe that is why perfection usually eludes these teams? You play at such a high level that physically just can’t be maintained. It’s almost as if you should do enough to qualify then exude all your energy when it’s time to go for the big kahuna. Personally, I feel striving for perfection is always worth it. The mere thought of completing a seemingly insurmountable challenge is exhilarating. Although, I often question perfection, it should be the standard the greats aspire to have, even if they fall from time to time.

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Scottie knew the vibesThat 73-9 didn’t mean a thing without the ring, s/o Bron baby lmao!

Scottie knew the vibes

That 73-9 didn’t mean a thing without the ring, s/o Bron baby lmao!



Ever tried to receive something in great in life? Can you recall a moment that you actually achieved something great without giving up something great? If you say you can, I guarantee what you accomplished wasn’t all that great because trust me something gotta be sacrificed. Let’s explore a few examples.



During the Marvel Cinematic Event, Avengers: Infinity War, the main antagonist Thanos was collecting what is known in the movie as the Infinity Stones. One of the stones Thanos need to collect is the Soul Stone. Now in order to acquire the soul stone, Thanos was required to sacrifice something he truly and dearly loved. It may be hard to picture a supervillain being capable of such a thing but Thanos isn’t your typical supervillain. He was a creature much capable of love.

In fact he sacrificed his greatest love, his adoptive daughter Gamora. He exchanged his daughter’s life to what he felt like was the greater good. He took something that meant the world to him to literally gain control of the entire world. All the other stones didn’t require such a grave action but the plan couldn’t be completed without that huge sacrifice.


In the Dragonball Super manga a new story arc has begun entitled the “Granolah the Survivor”. Granolah much like many other anime characters experienced a grave loss. His planet was destroyed under the direction of the tyrannous Frieza. Hell bent on revenge, Granolah becomes willing to do anything to exact vengeance on the wrathful emperor.


Granolah one day is made aware of the power of the Dragonballs, a magical set of orbs created by an alien race called Namekians that grants the wish of anyone who summons the dragon from the orbs. The set of Dragonballs Granolah used was only a two-set orb that was created by the namekians of his home planet. When summoned Granolah asked the dragon to become the strongest warrior in the universe. That was a wish obviously out of the dragon’s power but the dragon was willing to compromise.

The dragon granted Granolah access to all his potential power that would be normally obtained in 150 years, in a single instant! The great sacrifice only allowed him to have 3 remaining years left barring the fact he isn’t killed before then. Think about how bad you must want revenge when you’re literally willing to give up your life force to destroy another’s person life. A great sacrifice indeed!



In the Holy Bible, Abraham is promised great name and descendants from God himself. So When God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac, he had to be looking at God like “My dude this don’t make any sense”….”Sacrifice my son? Is you good?” However, Abraham had faith in God and didn’t bulge from the mission given to God. Right before Abraham was about to sacrifice his son he was stopped by an angel and a ram was sacrificed instead. So in exchange for a name that is known through history, (think of how we address God as the ‘God of Abraham’) Abraham had to almost sacrifice his son!

Although his son wasn’t sacrificed Abraham did sacrifice his son in his heart better yet he sacrificed his own will! Almost guarantee that anybody else in that position would’ve abandoned God’s plan and decided to keep their son! Keep in mind Abraham had his son at an old age and waited a while for a child! Who would want to sacrifice their son after that? Nevertheless Abraham adhered to God’s plan sacrificing his will in exchange to be the Father of Nations!


So keep in mind the next time you’re itching to achieve greatness. Before you embark on your journey ask yourself what are you willing to sacrifice? Because to gain anything you have to lose something! Word to Mother B! lol

Follow Me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn

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Some players may not have championships but their heart is nothing less of a champion! Many people feel this way about Allen Iverson but right now I’m focusing on Damian Lillard! Dame been putting on a clinic recently but I wanted to discuss how I knew Dame was that guy!


I remember back in the bluff we were watching the 2014 NBA Playoffs. Portland was playing the Rockets and we were chilling stuffing our faces probably. So we were all standing on the tv, I told my mans Dame bout to crush Houston watch this. His eyes stayed glued to the television. We saw Dame pull up in what felt like slow motion and he sunk that game winner. I was like see man I called it, I knew it that boy wanted.


Even though, I called that game winner, Dame really wasn’t showing that dog yet. It were these past couple years that showed Dame as a dominating beast. Dame started to become “Logo Dame”. He would pull up from anywhere on the court and drain it. Boy was looking like he was trying to bring NBA JAM back! I mean he just was destroying the competition left and right. Dame’s champion heart came into full swing in my opinion when he hit that crazy shot. or Paul George.


Head to Merchandise Tab to Purchase !

Head to Merchandise Tab to Purchase !

In 2019, Portland was facing off against the Oklahoma City Thunder. The Thunder had the ferocious guard, Russell Westbrook and a former potential MVP in Paul George. Paul George, known for his perennial defense, was the man chosen to lock down the superstar. However no matter how much defensive prowess was on display by Paul George, Dame rose above and sank a shot all the way from Istanbul! The shot was so deadly it took years for Paul George to admit the shot was clutch, he at first said the shot was a “bad shot”. Survey says that was cap! The moment was so crazy for me, it inspired one of my new WLCM products, the “GOOD DEFENSE or BETTER OFFENSE” tee, available now on gettothecorner.com !




Dame has been a loyal guard for Portland, in this time of superteams, Dame says give me some soldiers and leave the rest to me! For me that is so respectable! Dame cache has increased a lot in the recent years! His shoes are hotter, he has a prominent role in the upcoming SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY, and he’s the latest cover athlete for the best basketball simulation on the planet, NBA 2K21!

If anyone deserves a championship its young Dame! Oh and he’s the hardest basketball-rapper of all time! It may be Shaq but Dame legit is lyrical, even though Shaq did have platinum albums and a song with BIG! But Dame can really spit man lol!

Dame continues to put in the work and one day he will be rewarded with a ring somehow! Maybe when King James decide to retire because I can’t allow him to beat the King lol. But much love to Dame man he really has the heart of a champion!




In life it feels like God lays out helpful tips at certain checkpoints in your life. Almost like a video game of some sorts. It’s akin to how you’ll reach a certain point in the video game and come across a box filled with goodies that will help you further in the game. During and after Law School I started to realize that God was allowing me to hear things at a certain time for a reason.



First, I remember God allowing me to hear a conversation about a young lady needing to have a credit card. She didn’t have any money before our school refund hit and her apartment complex required the first month’s rent before she moved in. Low on her luck the young lady was told that she should probably apply for a credit card real quick to cover her expense. At that time it was just a random story amongst peers passing time between classes.

Soon after I was in a financially challenging predicament. After nearly coming with blows with one of my unruly roommates, I had to move in with my girlfriend temporarily. In the twilight of the semester with little to no funds, I didn’t even know how I would survive the next couple months. Suddenly I recalled the conversation with the young lady. I went to my credit union and requested a credit card. Thank God almighty I was approved and my financial woes were eliminated for the rest of that term. To this day I still have that credit card and its been assisting me in my fiscal responsibility.


Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 5.12.51 PM.png

One of my favorite activities is exercising. I love to exercise outside and get that sun radiating on me. I feel like Superman receiving from the sun gaining superpowers or something lol. One day I was returning from running and an Amazon Delivery man was trying to get into the backdoor. I opened up the door for the young brother but I thought to myself, “This is kinda odd Amazon deliveries usually come to the front”. However I shrugged it off and didn’t think nothing else of it.

Sure enough I put my prime account to use to order some storage for my art supplies ( I still need more its ridiculous beloved) and I was anxiously awaiting my package. I received a message saying my package was delivered but I did not see it out front. Now my apartment complex is pretty good when it come to theft issues, packages literally sat outside all day with no one touching them. I said “I no people ain’t starting to steal packages now”. I was stuck in confusion until I recalled seeing that Amazon driver on that running day. I hurried to the backdoor and lord behold there was my package! I was like man it really was meant for me to see my guy that day, I would’ve never thought to check here!


Pay attention to those conversations or occurrences that seem little in significance. Everything literally happen for a reason and the smallest thing from the past could be of great help to the biggest thing in your present!

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If you haven’t heard the following name I’m about to mention, you must be under a rock next to Patrick Star. Yeah you know who I’m talking about, that boy Pooh Shiesty! Wooo that boy know he on fire. The latest star discovered by ATL legend, Gucci Mane, Memphis rapper Pooh Shiesty been building a hell of a buzz leading up to his debut project, Shiesty Season. His album was number one on Apple Music before it was even released! Only 21 years, Pooh Shiesty is setting a path of greatness for himself as the next great southern rapper.


Him and BiG30 went crazy !

Pooh Shiesty is receiving all the attention he deserves but some people may disagree. Recently, Pooh Shiesty posted a young lady’s tweet that suggested Gucci Mane was showing favoritism towards Pooh Shiesty and was being neglectful to his other shining signee, Foogiano. Which brings me to my point, people gotta know when its there time!

When someone has the hot hand you have to feed them! Just like when a shooter is on a streak in basketball, you have to keep feeding him until he’s no longer hot. People particularly fans have to understand a little bit more how a successful label works, especially while someone like Gucci Mane is at the helm.

Every artist has a marketing plan. That plan includes but isn’t limited to: building buzz for the music, when it will be released, how it will be released, the finances needed to pull off the project successfully, etc.

When it comes to Pooh Shiesty, simply put its just divine timing. He’s been killing it, I knew the boy was the one when I first heard “Who is Him” a track by him and Gucci Mane. “1017 choppa gang we don’t do no attempts, hop out and slam him with this choppa like I’m shawn kemp”, when I first heard that I knew he was outta here. Pooh had great performances on both So Icy compilations plus the loosies with BIG30, he had all the buzz he needed that would make his project number one before its even released.


Guwop isn’t showing favoritism he’s putting wind behind an artist that’s been ready for takeoff. Gucci gifting Pooh Shiesty with a trackhawk Jeep (super fire btw) is just a manifestation of a reward for hardwork. Then to make this young lady’s point even more asinine, Foogiano currently has Pooh Shiesty’s project as his avi.

When someone in the crew is on fire, it is an obligation for everyone to get behind that person full throttle! If someone feels a way about a crew member getting shine, that person is effectively known as a HAM!!!

Watch 2real codee’s “Goodfella” today!

To bring things more locally, take me and my family for example. Right now my cousin, 2Real Codee, is scorching right now. A lot of our family does music, if any one of us felt a type of way about the shine my cousin is receiving then we would be effectively known as…..HAMS!!! Good thing we’re not, we’re doing the exact opposite, putting all of our energy behind cuz to help elevate him and keep his foot on the neck. That energy is reciprocated when its time for any of us to drop. When I dropped LONG MAY HE REIGN, it had the upmost support, its my most successful project yet. And anytime my cuz (WAV) is rising in. the ranks of producers we elevate and promote him. Whenever my brother drop we will be behind him as well.

So everybody gotta chill and quit being lames trying to cause dissension between successful crews. Showing love is not automatically favoritism its just appreciation that is well deserved.

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We all know radio is trash when it comes to playing music, You’re going to hear the same six and seven songs because if you’re not on a major label you’re mostly not getting played. The radio have the potential to be so much more but it will never reach that because of the money and politics that is involved in radio. So when did I know radio was definitely rigged? Let’s take it back to 2003.


Back in 2003, Outkast released their more commercially successful album ever, the diamond-certified double disc, Speakerboxxx/TheLoveBelow. Speakerboxxx was a lyrical showcase and we know The Love Below helped set the foundation for much of today’s melodic hip hop. It was a true masterpiece. Till this day people still don’t know that Andre 3000 actually says “Happy Valentines Day, Everyday the 14th” not “February 14th”. People have argued me down about this but it was absolutely pointless I had the real cd, with the booklet that had the lyrics, so argue your mama.

Anyways, I can’t recall which song I wanted to hear on the radio but most likely it was Prototype. So one day we was in the car and I called into the radio to make a request. I couldn’t believe I actually got through! The dude said “ whats up man what you wanna hear” ? I was like “yo I wanna hear Protrotype by Outkast!” He said “Alr man we got that coming right up and take all that bass out your voice’. I believed he asked my age so thats why he said that.

Me and my mama was all excited like aw Vonnie you made the radio so cool. Then we waited and waited and waited and they never played my song!! But you know what they played? The same dang song we heard earlier!!!!!!! That’s when I knew the radio is trash and is rigged and don’t care about what people want to hear.

I never understood why people would call in and request the song they just heard played 30 times in 2 hours. It made me think man are these callers fake? What is the deal here !

But since that day I refused to call in again and I damn sure don’t listen to the radio anymore lol.

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The lesson may be pretty obvious here but it still has to be explained. Everyone should be aware of the autosave feature. Autosave periodically saves a user’s work while they’re using the program. I was using the music program LOGIC PRO working on my new upcoming album. I was hard at work when the program of course inconveniently crashed! I couldn’t believe it because I played this sample so perfect and played with some keys as well. At this point in life I don’t know how to play the piano, so if I get a good sequence laid down I usually can’t recreate it lol. You can only imagine the anguish I felt before I realized autosave was there.

After re-opening the program my work was exactly the way it was before the program temporarily perished lol. After that it made really think “Thank God for Autosave”. Without autosave it can be nerve-wrecking constantly remembering to save your progress. Instead you’re allowed to focus on the work which is extremely beneficial to high productivity people. Autosave is like having someone look out for you saying “Don’t worry about it bro, focus on you, I got this!”. Which makes me go “Thanks Autosave let me continue putting in this work then, you know the vibes!”

All in all I want people to recognize and be grateful for autosave. Reflect on numerous in drafts in various programs you worked diligently on. The school reports, graphic design, music programming, imagine having to focus on those extreme details while worrying about not losing your data, ain’t nobody got time for that beloved! So remember to thank God for autosave and continue putting in the work!

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Me working on a beat for the new album!

Me working on a beat for the new album!




Last year, I purchased a journal from Target for me to write down nothing positive things into it. I call it my positivity book. I literally only write positive things and express gratitude. I make it a habit now to re-read any passages and the only people I intend to allow to read it are my future children.

Rick Ross’ HURRICANES go purchase that.

Rick Ross’ HURRICANES go purchase that.

I usually keep my journal on my coffee table, but after some re-cleaning it remained on the coffee table but its been under the Rozay book (Go cop that its good). Keeping it under that book, I realized weeks went passed without me writing in the journal. I’m like ok man I gotta intentionally get back to writing in this journal so then I figured out why I haven’t been writing in it as much.


I soon realized I wasn’t writing in the journal as often because the journal wasn’t in my sight everyday. I started putting the journal back on top and I was back writing like my usual self. So when you have tasks that are important to you keep in plain sight! At the top of the list! Because its outta sight outta mind if you don’t !


image via nycgo.com

image via nycgo.com

Me in New York. I don’t be playing I come here to hustle no cap! Go get the money! Dolph Voice

Me in New York. I don’t be playing I come here to hustle no cap! Go get the money! Dolph Voice

Crazy title huh? Yes, you may wonder how such a thing is even possible but it’s possible and it is happening. One day I was on Clubhouse, the emerging social media that specializes in voicechats and we was talking about New Yorkers don’t take advantage of whats in their backyard.

Ever since I was young I always wanted to move to Brooklyn. I don’t know why my heart was just always drawn there. Its like Dom Kennedy once said, “If I lived in New York, I’ll probably be the Brooklyn type”. So when I finally first made my trip to New York in Jan. 2016, I went to town. I literally traveled borough to borough every dang day. I went to all the art places, talked with strangers, made connections, promoted my brand everywhere I went and just submerged myself in the city.

So when I heard that’s its people in The Bronx, that never been to Soho, I’m like what the hell. When I hear people feeling like they have to leave New York to make it, I’m like but everything is right there! New York get all the exclusive drops, it gets all kinds of people, and the city literally never sleeps! You can walk outside to the connection. Where I was staying in Brooklyn, they was randomly working on a show outside and I got offered to work as a Production Assistant. New York is just land of opportunity especially for creators.

I originally wanted to go there for law school but I’m glad it didn’t work out that way maybe the city would’ve been too much of a distraction. However, I’m not done with New York, I’ll be returning to take over, somebody has to do it because you locals refuse to! lol

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