

We all know radio is trash when it comes to playing music, You’re going to hear the same six and seven songs because if you’re not on a major label you’re mostly not getting played. The radio have the potential to be so much more but it will never reach that because of the money and politics that is involved in radio. So when did I know radio was definitely rigged? Let’s take it back to 2003.


Back in 2003, Outkast released their more commercially successful album ever, the diamond-certified double disc, Speakerboxxx/TheLoveBelow. Speakerboxxx was a lyrical showcase and we know The Love Below helped set the foundation for much of today’s melodic hip hop. It was a true masterpiece. Till this day people still don’t know that Andre 3000 actually says “Happy Valentines Day, Everyday the 14th” not “February 14th”. People have argued me down about this but it was absolutely pointless I had the real cd, with the booklet that had the lyrics, so argue your mama.

Anyways, I can’t recall which song I wanted to hear on the radio but most likely it was Prototype. So one day we was in the car and I called into the radio to make a request. I couldn’t believe I actually got through! The dude said “ whats up man what you wanna hear” ? I was like “yo I wanna hear Protrotype by Outkast!” He said “Alr man we got that coming right up and take all that bass out your voice’. I believed he asked my age so thats why he said that.

Me and my mama was all excited like aw Vonnie you made the radio so cool. Then we waited and waited and waited and they never played my song!! But you know what they played? The same dang song we heard earlier!!!!!!! That’s when I knew the radio is trash and is rigged and don’t care about what people want to hear.

I never understood why people would call in and request the song they just heard played 30 times in 2 hours. It made me think man are these callers fake? What is the deal here !

But since that day I refused to call in again and I damn sure don’t listen to the radio anymore lol.

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