Not too long ago I was thinking about the concept of “holding out”. Its kinda crazy you can receive everything you want by refusing to give a person what they want, UNTIL, you get what you want (did that make you head hurt yet?).
My Boy getting it in during quarantine, don’t worry after Bron get this chip, it’ll be your time!
This thought was sparked when I was listen to an episode of Flagrant 2, a comedic sports podcast that push the envelope so far the seal should be nonexistent.
A point was made by the lead host, Andrew Schulz, that the NBA players should refuse to resume the NBA season until the NBA gives everything the players demands. He went on to say with all the progress and attention being made for social injustice towards black people, why not squeeze the rag dry?
The Tactic of holding out only works when the person holding out is valued more than the other person.
NBA players probably aren’t holding out because the season has already been set to resume and so far from what I’ve seen the player who chose to opt-out did so for safety precautions, not for revolutionary movements.
NBA players COULD hold out because what is the NBA without its players. What is Adam Silver going to be Zion all of a sudden? I don’t think so beloved. So the ball would be in the players court (no pun intended) and they could hold Adam Silver and the owners hostage until the changes they want to see in the NBA are made.
You can also relate this concept to when a girl holds out on sexual relations with a guy. Usually it’s a guy pressed to take things to the next level and he’s willing to meet any demands, if it finally means a night in paradise.
In this case the woman is more valued and depending on the type of woman she is she can get him to hop through rings of fire just for a sniff.
Holding Out captured perfectly in film lol
Most times a woman may use a hold out to ensure commitment, unfortunately holding out doesn’t guarantee commitment. If you’re dealing with a guy with options and he choose to exercise those options, you as the woman will look foolish in the end.
So as with anything you have to be cautious with the hold out tactic because you hold out too long, you will be replaced whether its on the court or it’s someone being courted.
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