the first iPhone , man what a commodity this was
Today I was tracking a package for new WELÇOME© gear (oh yes #SAYURWLCM, the new collection, by WELÇOME©: HAND DRAWN GRAPHICS coming soon) and I clicked the link in my messages to track the package.
so many features and specs, boy I don’t know where to start
When I click the link I thought to myself “man how amazing is it that I can actually do this, I forgot how big of a deal this is”, which made me think about how quick we forget the coolness of things.
First, we can start by actually having a touch screen phone. Remember clicking one button for five different letters. Then T-9 came in play but you had to take a training course at Yale to master that lol.
Next, what about actually having the internet on our phone. Ever browsed the web on a flip phone? I did, and it was a complete waste of time. You can’t do anything on the flip phone internet browser. Think about someone from 99’ seeing you type in websites on your phone and watch full movies, their head would explode.
I’m still amazed at the XBOX ONE and PS4. Those are considered current-men games but I still look at them as next-gen games. However, pretty soon the PS5 is releasing and I’m not ready for that. I still don’t even have any video game system now lol.
look how amazing these graphics are 🔥, kids in the 80s heart would stop looking at this!
Leaps in human history have been so amazing but cool eventually get normal and we are left unimpressed. When things become the norm we shouldn’t be so quick to complain about lack of innovation. Instead, we should appreciate the current state of technology and respectfully encourage the big tech companies to expound further upon the great strides that they’ve already taken.
Why wait on a company for that matter ? Dig into that head of yours and get ready to make your own generation changing contribution to society just be grateful and appreciate of the contributions already in existence.