January 31, 2022
Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Funsplash.com%2Fs%2Fphotos%2Fwater-and-fire&psig=AOvVaw1dg90uh1l7wyqxFNSQlGMZ&ust=1647306857986000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCKiF0LW2xPYCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
One day I was running water over the sink to put out some sage that was burning too vicious lol, (yeah burning sage to destroy them bad vibes beloved you know what it is), as I was running water I thought “Why does water put out fire?!” I don’t know the scientific answer to this but I felt like a deeper meaning was given to me in my head that day. Or maybe it wasn’t that deep and I’m boosting but who cares beloved. I thought about a certain point regarding this subject.
Before I start, I recognize water can be. hot, that does defuse the following point just stay along for the ride, ok?! When I saw the water hit the sage it was somehow amazing for me just to see a fire that was burning so fiercely be decimated by water. It made me think this is what happens when we decide to let our cool thoughts take over our raging hot emotions.
When we are calm and cool we can make extremely better decisions. Whenever I had a burning rage it always led down the wrong path. Rage has gotten me into physicals fights, verbal onslaughts, and accidental injury to myself. You’re so consumed with the fire of your emotions you’re going every direction almost like a… flame. There isn’t a linear direction fire can go unless its projected thru a flamethrower or something similar so it can just go anywhere. Its akin to rage, I remember times being so mad I couldn’t stay still I had to do something: scream, punch a wall, punch a face, anything that would transmute my anger to a physical expression.
But when I decide to cool it I avoided a lot of tragic endings. Even the Bible says “Remember this, my dear brothers: Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.”
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