majin buu




Proverbs 22:6- Train up a child in the way he should go;even when he is old he will not depart from it.


 One of the most popular verses from the Bible made me think of one of the most popular characters in Anime. In Dragonball Z, the main protagonist Goku has a son named Gohan. Goku is known as a strong warrior throughout the universe and naturally his son is most likely inclined to carry that same trait. Goku always knew Gohan had hidden potential so he would always encourage him to train and so he did. When he was young he trained with Goku former nemesis now one of his best friends, Piccolo and when he reached his teenage year he trained with his father Goku.

 Gohan was at peak level during his teenage years but after he defeated a major villain his skills started to decline. Mainly due to his mother pushing him into academia more so than fighting. Much like Gohan your children may veer from the path they were initially raised on. They may venture into gang violence, illegal activities, or maybe even something that may be positive but it just wasn’t apart of their initial upbringing. However just like the verse states the child will not depart from it and eventually you’d see them return to how they were once raised.

 That essentially is what ends up happening to Gohan. Although he lost his footing during his adult years the current arc in Dragonball Super shows that the Gohan that started as a kid with unlimited potential is bound for a comeback. Children are much like your favorite television characters; you may see them go off track for a minute but, if you let them play their own story out you’ll eventually see them return to their former-selves and they may even end up surpassing your expectations.