holy bible

From Prison to Palace: How the Story of Joseph Resonates with My Journey

From Prison to Palace: How the Story of Joseph Resonates with My Journey

Joseph’s story in the Bible is not just one of redemption—it’s a mirror of trials, aspirations, and faith. From betrayal to triumph, his journey inspires patience, resilience, and purpose. Recently, I felt compelled to revisit his story, finding guidance in his unwavering faith and ultimate victory. His life reminds us that our hardships can prepare us for greatness, making his timeless message as relevant as ever.

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I was thinking real quick on why people have such a difficult time with accountability. Specifically, people within my community/social sphere. I believe it stems from most people starting off in circumstances beyond their control. First, actually being born is a whole outside event in itself. You didn’t ask to be here, you had no idea you was coming (God Did lol) but you just showed up and until adolescence (young adulthood) your life is in someone else’s hands.

During this time. a period we’ll refer to as “Deferred Responsibility”; you’re being guided by someone’s morals, life experience, and financial stability, all which effects your overall childhood and has a huge impact on who you are to become.

Back in church we were taught about the age of accountability, while a verse may not explicitly states how old you are when you are considered “accountable”, we were generally taught at 12 years old you have reached the age of accountability. Which means you should know right from wrong and you have enough foundation to make solid decisions and if you make an unwise decision you should be able to own up to your decisions and face the music.

If we know there’s a certain threshold where accountability is “activated”, then why do many adults have difficulty being accountable? Its because trauma + a no responsibility period + a dramatic responsibility increase = adults who have difficulty being accountable. Its hard to own up to things when everything was so out of your control and now life is forcing you to be in control.

Some people are faced with raising children, building careers, overcoming heartache, health conditions, its always something to face. However, it gets to a certain point in life where you have to ask “When am I going to take responsibility for my life”, “when will I admit whatever is going on at this point is my fault”.

Me for example, I have so much I can hold onto and be a loser about. Nobody ever got me driver’s training, I grew up financially unstable, I never been to disneyworld as a kid lol. I got plenty stuff I can hold onto, be sad about, and allow it to stagnate me in life.

But screw that one day I sat down and said “Bro whatever I have in my life its my fault, and if I don’t have it now I’m going to work to get it!”. From that moment I went on a winning streak lmao. Still took L’s but man I refused to live handcuffed by childhood trauma because if you never get over it, it snowballs into adulthood and you’re chained to the past.Take control now if you haven’t and make that determination today, “Life is in my hands and I’m going to achieve with everything I desire!”! How can you move forward if you’re always looking behind? Think about it beloved..

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an interpretation of Jacob and Esau: img source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jconnectseattle.org%2Fevents%2Fjacob-and-esau-whos-really-the-good-twin-and-whos-the-evil-one%2F&psig=AOvVaw2lUW0Bkmgll5fii-euhSZH&ust…

an interpretation of Jacob and Esau: img source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jconnectseattle.org%2Fevents%2Fjacob-and-esau-whos-really-the-good-twin-and-whos-the-evil-one%2F&psig=AOvVaw2lUW0Bkmgll5fii-euhSZH&ust=1610159382571000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCJjtr66li-4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

Whenever I speak with people going thru turbulent times, I always try to remind them do not make desperate decisions, even if it seems like there is no other option. Desperation leads to an impulsiveness that can be hard to rectify. Impulsive acts are often foolish choices that can have big blowbacks simply because we didn’t take time to think of things in the long run.

img source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chabad.org%2Fparshah%2Farticle_cdo%2Faid%2F2372639%2Fjewish%2FEsau-Sells-His-Birthright-for-a-Mess-of-Pottage.htm&psig=AOvVaw3PO95klGIlCayCPkVg2Rtv&ust=1610159497418000&am…

img source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chabad.org%2Fparshah%2Farticle_cdo%2Faid%2F2372639%2Fjewish%2FEsau-Sells-His-Birthright-for-a-Mess-of-Pottage.htm&psig=AOvVaw3PO95klGIlCayCPkVg2Rtv&ust=1610159497418000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAMQjB1qFwoTCNjMld2li-4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

This made me think of the story of Esau and Jacob, the two sons of Abraham. Esau was entitled to Abraham’s blessing being that he was the first born. However, Esau was unaware about how much value his birthright had and his younger brother would soon take advantage of that.

One day after working in the fields, a hungry and fatigued Esau entered the home as Jacob was making a pot of stew. Stew that probably wasn’t that good, but would probably taste crazy delicious to a man who hasn’t ate a thing all day long. Especially back in those biblical days, man the heat probably hit so different and he was probably funky, he just needed a good meal and a bath lol.

Anyways, Jacob seized this moment (he was plotting on Esau’s birthright the whole time) and offered Esau the stew in exchange for Esau’s birthright. Esau made a foolish rationalization, declaring that a birthright will be worthless to a dead man so he swore off his birthright in exchange of food.

After learning he was tricked by his mother and Jacob ( go read the full story in Genesis and you’ll see how that came about), he tried to get his birthright back but to no avail.

Here’s a couple things that impulsiveness/desperation makes you do:


In a desperate measure you start trying to convince yourself that the dumb decision you is about to make is a good one, you can usually tell its a foolish rationalization because it will involve extremities. I.E. Esau saying a birthright is no good to a dead man. I mean I guess that’s true but that boy wasn’t about to die, he was just hungry, yeah we all been at that point of what feels like starvation but like I always say, “it ain’t that deep.”


Esau’s birthright had so much attach to it. It’s a literal blessing from God, you have a whole lineage covered in God’s divine grace. God’s grace covers a multitude of things in your life from health to wealth and everything in between. His birthright was long term gain, something he wouldn’t immediately feel the affects from but it was a sure thing if you let it play out.

But that food it was right there, in that very moment. You knew the instant effects of that food. You was hungry, bones aching, you been in that hot pre-historic sun, ain’t no nikes back then you probably in sandals made from wood, man you just wanna eat. You can smell that food and you can even taste it. But you can only eat that one time, once Esau eats that food and his stomach is quieted bet he came back to reality like, “this fool done stole my whole birthright, naw imma need that back on god”.

However, it’s no getting that back. Once you make a dumb in the moment decision its gonna take the Grace of God Almighty himself to help you bounce back and that was something Esau didn’t have.


Your mind can play some tricky sometimes sick games in your head cues Geto Boys - Mind Playing Tricks on Me , but you have to remember that if I make this decision in haste its 90% chance this isn’t going to go as well as I think it is. Remember to never trade your “birthright” for “a single meal”, its just never worth it.

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I was scrolling twitter one day, reading my timeline and I seen a tweet from one of my favorite accounts to follow. He alleges the law of attraction and the law of responsibility couldn’t be found in school or the bible. 

This tweeter is a smart young man and very entertaining but I found the statement he said false, well only the part where he says it can’t be found in the Bible. He’s right school isn’t teaching you all that extra spiritual stuff, they don’t wanna see you win foreall anyways lol.


First, twitter user, Guns & Crayons said “law of attraction you visualize what you want- energy harvesting you get people behind your vision use their energy.”


According to Proverbs 23:7, “for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..” Whatever you think and dwell on in your heart will manifest itself in your life. At this point, this is general knowledge to most people who have an ounce of spirituality but some are unaware of its biblical roots. 

The other part to his law of attraction meaning states, “energy harvesting you get people behind your vision use their energy.” Growing up as a Christian, and a continuing practicing Christian, I was taught that blessings are always delivered through people. You can use this verse as a piece of evidence.

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Proverbs 15:22 says “plans fail when there is no counsel, but with abundant advisers they are established.” Abundant advisors are people getting behind your vision. When you listen to counsel you are effectively using their energy to help propel your plans forward. 


Next, my mans said “law of responsibility — you show the universe you can handle it so it gives you more..” According to the word, we were always taught don’t despise small beginnings. Zechariah 4:10 says “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see work begin, to see the plumb in Zerubbabel’s hand.”

This excerpt from biblehub.com , explains this perfectly. “4:10 For who hath despised - In the work of God, the day of small things is not to be despised. God often chuses weak instruments, to bring about mighty things: and tho' the beginnings be small, he can make the latter end greatly to increase. For - Tho' they undervalued the meanness of the second temple, yet when finished, they shall rejoice in it. 

The plummet - The perpendicular with which Zerubbabel shall try the finished work. With those seven - In subordination to the Divine Providence expressed by the seven eyes, which were on that stone.


And those that have the plummet in their hand, must look up to these eyes of the Lord, must have a constant regard to the Divine Providence, and as in dependence upon its conduct, and submission to its disposals.”

Christians always turn to this verse to explain to people do not give up in the beginning and the beginning has a purpose. The Lord is always interested in developing our character. Plenty of people in the Bible started lowly and weren’t elevated quickly. David was destined to be king as a young man, but he wasn’t proclaimed as king till much later.  

Arguably his greatest feat, defeating Goliath the Giant, couldn’t had happened without first saving the sheeps from the Lion. David protecting the sheep from the Lion, showed the God of the universe that he would be able to protect the Lord’s sheep (the actual people) from an opponent as fierce as a Lion (Goliath).

If David couldn’t protect the sheep, how would he be able to protect a whole group of people, that’s why he had to show he could handle his responsibility before he was giving more.



In conclusion, I know people are off put by institutionalized religion. We know slavery used religion against us and hypocritical preachers are deterring people left and right. However, the wrongdoing of the people does not take away from the truth in the word. Before we claim, something is not in the Bible or we can’t learn from it, let us first search the word first before we make such claims.

This article is not an attack on Guns & Crayons, I just wanted to use his tweet as a teaching moment. Love.

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Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Speak well of those who curse you. -Luke 6:27–28


 One of the most difficult things for humans to do is to do right by those who’ve wronged us. Often times the first thought is to react in a way that will bring us vengeance or some sense of vindication. However our hero of this popular anime took a different route.

 During a battle with one of the universe’s most tyrannous villains, Goku did something that was undeniably the action of a hero. The planet on which him and the villain at that time (Frieza) was fighting on was nearing its end and Goku was in the clear to escape after being the victor in their fight. However Goku did not act selfishly, he gave a wounded Frieda enough energy to escape as well. He did this after Frieza killed his best friend, destroyed his race, and murdered a planet full of innocent creatures. Goku unlike most people can always see the good in people. There’s a lesson all humans can take from that and we can all start to show sincere acts of kindness to those we despise and/or clash against.

 Even though Frieza still tries to kill Goku after he lent him energy, it still doesn’t take away from the good deed that Goku commits. You cannot control how people react after you do something for them all you can do is worry about doing what you know is right.

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