go u



originally written July 19, 2020

During bar prep I would wake up everyday and go study at my desk in my new office chair. I never paid no mind to the position I was in, I was sitting down as usual. Until one day I decided to raise my chair up to help better position my arms on the desk.

I never knew how much I needed that. Raising my chair up had my back feeling better, I could see my workspace better, and overall it had me thinking better.

This change made me realized sometimes we can be so used to being down. We often accept things as they are with no conscious effort to change it, much like how I accepted the positioning of my seat everyday.

Someday something must awaken in you that goes “I need to raise Up” and raising up will allow to see, think, and feel with a much better perspective. You can feel low in your work, relationship, business, but making that conscious decision to “GO UP” is the right fuel to get the engine going.


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