
Many times reflecting on the past can carry negative connotations. Connotations which are rightfully deserved because dwelling too long on the past hardly results in anything good and doesn’t allow a person to grow. 

However in this case the past serves as the very beacon of inspiration I need to create. Every first of the month I look at old blog posts of the same month to find cool references or any images that may spark an idea or two. This morning I found a TON of them. 

There’s an whole exhibition dedicated to the Archive and evolution of Mickey Mouse going on in NYC, it’s called MICKEY TRUE ORIGINAL. GO CHECK IT OUT ‼️ TICKETS:

There’s an whole exhibition dedicated to the Archive and evolution of Mickey Mouse going on in NYC, it’s called MICKEY TRUE ORIGINAL. GO CHECK IT OUT ‼️ TICKETS:

Part of TOMMY’s renewed success is the reintroduction if TOMMY JEANS, which made the brand the talk of the town in the 90s

Part of TOMMY’s renewed success is the reintroduction if TOMMY JEANS, which made the brand the talk of the town in the 90s

Reflecting on the past via archives can help bring the present you up to a different stand allowing for new creative energy to express yourself with. It’s why fashion houses or animation studios keep their archives filled with originals and masterpieces because it can serve as a new force in the present even though it is buried in the past.

While being in the present is key to creating and avoiding dull moments, never be afraid to dig deep in the past in order to spring forth a new more vital you into the present and/or future ! HAPPY NEW YEARS !
