Today I will attempt to dispel the negative connotation of competition. When people think of competing they usually associate it with people comparing themselves to others ,which in turn leads to trying out shine them every waking moment. Although the previous statement is true for certain people, true competition is really about YOURSELF!
Check out "CAL CAST" featuring DRAKE, by clicking here
This awakening was sparked by a conversation Drake had w/ Coach John Calipari on coach's podcast "CAL CAST". Drake spoke about how he can't truly take a break because he fear someone is not taking a break and they would stumble upon something he would've stumbled upon had it not been for the brakes. This may seem to be fueled by the desire to stay ahead of everyone else but I believe it is a testament to the bar Drake set for himself. He also revealed to Coach Cal that his reason for continuing to do music is for his legacy and having music that he can appreciate from himself 20 years down the line.
How can he focus on such a daunting task by constantly comparing himself to other artists and always worrying about ways to 1-up himself? The answer is he couldn't , this is why competition is about self when you out perform someone it is only a by-product of outperforming yourself. Say you set out to beat a previous sales record made by yourself and when you beat the record you also end up outselling your opposition. The only way you could outsell your opposition is if you worked on records that were strong enough to beat your previous endeavor, see what I mean?
On an ending note, Coach Jim Harbaugh also spoke w/ Coach Cal on another episode. They both said they have a quote in their office that reads "JUST COACH YOUR TEAM". If they Coach their teams to the best of their ability that isn't a testament to out doing their opponents(though it plays a role) , it is a more of testament of due diligence to focusing on self.
Hopefully that debunks this negative notion of competition. Competition is great because if it doesn't do anything else it gets you to look at yourself!
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