For the past two years I’ve been making huge transitions in my life. None of which would be possible without my strong support system. Last night I thought about all the people who are coming together for my cause and it made me think of when Goku uses the spirit bomb. Now Goku hisself is the strongest character amongst his group but sometimes even he needs help. You may feel as though you are very competent on your own but trust me every task can’t be handled by you alone.
When an enemy becomes too much to bear Goku starts an attack called the “Spirit Bomb”, in which he gathers energy from every living thing on the planet (human, plants, animals,etc.) and merge it into a big ball of energy and thrust it towards his opponent. When it is time for you to tackle a big task you have to draw in assistance from everything/everyone you can think of. No matter how big or small their contribution it all adds to the big ball of energy which is your success! The next time you may feel overwhelm call upon others , I’m sure they’ll have no problem helping you try not to destroy the planet in the process!
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