And just to be sure that we’re all on the same page: there are no bright yellow school busses in Baltimore City. The police shut down public transportation and filled the streets with an army in riot gear. Thousands of teens on those same streets, trying to get home. How many were scared to make eye contact for fear of being the next Freddie Gray? How many were pissed-off enough to break a window or set a fire?
this is so fucked up
look at this
don’t look away. don’t fucking turn your head, don’t scroll that mousewheel. fix your eyes on this because in the years to come they’re going to call this story a conspiracy theory. they’re going to call this reality, this thing that truly happened, a conspiracy theory.
but they created the circumstances which lead the youth of the city of baltimore to lash out in terror and indignation. the police treated them like animals, tried to corral them, and these kids, these children, just getting out of school, reacted.
imagine if this had happened to you. you just got out of school. all you were thinking about was your work and your friends and getting home and you get fucking teargassed by a wall of riot cops.
what would you have done under that pressure?