Being in law school has been one of the most fun and challenging experiences of my life. All my life I’ve been deemed as a smart and intelligent person by myself and others. However as of late, I’ve never realized how refreshing it is to feel stupid.
Being surrounded by people much smarter than me made me realize how little I know. So many different backgrounds equipped with different experiences, these people have become possessed with knowledge I wouldn’t have attained on my own path.
Stupidity and ignorance are usually associated with negative connotations because these words make you think of fools set in their ways; unwilling to change and these words are said as if they’re the permanent state of the person that is being described with such words.
Being ignorant and willing to learn is probably the best position to be in, in order to ensue growth. Admittedly knowing nothing and actively seeking to acquire knowledge shows you’re more than ready to contribute to and absorb the world around you.
Ironically stupidity can only serve as a driving force for smart people. In accordance with the words of the Lovely Ms. Erykah Badu: “The man that knows something knows that he knows nothing at all”
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